How about this. Make it so that gun show sales are by definition not private because they occur in a public space.
If the government was run by Angels, Id say register and regulate everything, but its not. Its run by greedy scumbags bought by special interest groups, and if they can register every gun owner, then can eventually ban every gun and know exactly who as what. This has happened before.
People arent batshit crazy. Its called history. And Im sick of people thinking that "we're the USA" and this kind of thing would never happen here. Bush and Clinton look all chummy and innocent sitting in Jerrah's box watching the basketball game and eating hotdogs, but those guys aint your neighbor down the street whose just trying to raise a family and goes to church every sunday.
The illusion Americans have that we are somehow better or more pious because we wrap ourselves with the flag and have white skin and suits, and not brown skin, turbans and robes, is pathetic.
Fine, close the gun show loophole, but hell no to gun registration. The government doesnt need to know what you or I own in our basement. Thats not their job. They are there to use our tax dollars to pave roads.