So BO knows a NBA player came out


But BO: "I'm not familiar with this notion that anybody has been blocked from testifying," said Obama. "So what I'll do is i will find out what exactly you are referring to."

at todays' presser. does he think anyone actually beleives him>

So here is BO all up on the first NBA player to announce he is gay but BO doesn't know anything about the " notion" that whistleblowers who were at Benghazi are being threatened by BO Admin to NOT testify?

UH what exactly are BO's priorities? Does he have a " notion" that 4 Americand DIED in the attacks?

It is not like this hasn't been covered and it is not like this story came from a tinfoil conspiracy momger
Victoria Toensing, a former Justice Department official and Republican counsel to the Senate Intelligence Committee, is now representing one of the State Department employees. She told Fox News her client and some of the others, who consider themselves whistle-blowers, have been threatened by unnamed Obama administration officials.

“I'm not talking generally, I'm talking specifically about Benghazi – that people have been threatened,” Toensing said in an interview Monday. “And not just the State Department. People have been threatened at the CIA.”

AS if that isn't embarrasing enough BO said, about the Gay NBA player that he was proud of him and that he could " bang with Shaq"

BANG with Shaq?
Uh Barry, Shaq is retired and has been for 2 years.

Maybe he meant the "other kind" of bang?

All this media hooplah about one gay athelete coming out of the closet is ridiculous. I think that the administration welcomes these little diversions because they divert attention from issues that they don't want to deal with, like Benghazi.
He gave the opening question to a prominent newsman from Fox. And he knew the man well enough to begin with comments on his latest professional decisions, and so forth, and then proceeded with inviting the opening question.

Jay Carney would have told the President before hand what to expect, that the Benghazi topic had been on Fox News all day before on Monday and that the opening questions surely would be on that topic.

If Jay did not brief the President, then he greatly under-served him on one of the most sensitive subjects today (next to the Boston bombing).

I think he knew, and I think he skipped making an opening statement (economy or other) and went to this first question with the aim of brushing it off right up front and then moving right on to other topics and leaving Benghazi waning of attention by all the rest of the press conference.
That actually sounds pretty insightful and correct.
If the media was doing the job it likes to pretend it does many would have asked the question of how the POTUS didn't know.
As Hillary said it requires willing suspension of belief or in the case of most of the media it requires wiping the drool off and asking more questions.
It should be embarrassing that BO tried to pretend he didn't know what was going on with something so important as hearing from the people who were there during an attack that killed 4 Americans
but he knew about a basketball player who announced he was gay. And BO thought THAT was so important that he ran back to the podium to let us all know he knew.

However let's take BO at his word, that yesterday he didn't know anything about a " notion" that his admin was trying to keep people from testifying.
It has now been 24 hours since he was asked. Will he have a statement on that issue today?
6721, Have you ever thought that this assumption about the testimony blockage is just something that happens in Fox World? For a story to have any legs it needs at least two sources. And someone quoting Fox doesn't become a 2nd source.


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