So are Omar and Tim roommates??

Yeah. Their apartment is big enough that they practice it there. They even have Street to catch the ball when they make their throw to get the batter.

Is that the same apartment where Sydmil's Dad learned how to sing while teaching his son 5 languages?
Dionysus - You got it wrong. T.J. Ford and Baylor guard, John Lucas, work out there in the Summer
It's not where Syd's dad learned to sing. It's actually the nightclub where he did sing and become the Frank Sinatra of the Netherlands.

BTW, before it was that it was the office of Jack Nicklaus where he opened a letter from 12-year old Mike Weir asking if he should become a righty golfer. It was from what is now Omar's bathroom that the Golden Bear advise little Mikey Weir to continue as a lefty. The rest, as they say, is history.

Damn, this must be a huge diamonds, recording studios, classrooms, golf I hear there's a dance floor for Royal. I wonder what rent is there, I am in need of a place for next semester

beat me to it tornacl
First of all, it is "Tony" Moss.

Secondly, it is also the same apartment where the hard working Major Applewhite would jump rope after his date ended and before he went to bed.
Yes, but did you know the only song you wiill ever hear is "Country Boy Can Survive?" It was Majewski's sisters' idea.

One place you won't ever hear it though is at Dick Howser Stadium.
Dustin's family's farm was actually 16 acres.

I'm glad these guys read the press guide . . . and believed it.
You know, after Auggie practice throwing opposing pitchers' timing off, he looked around said apartment and noticed that Majewski was still there. That kid is such a field rat.