OK, after looking at this post for some time and debating back and forth about trying it (I am a baby-back rib fanatic and rarely go for the "big" rib), I went ahead and did this exact recipe over the weekend.
Some friends were smoking a pit at their house and I had already lit mine, but I took the invitation to be a great testing group for what might happen with this 3-2-1 method and since I had not thrown the ribs on yet, I headed over.
I need to preface the friends and let you know these people have been smoking meat in their family for as long as anyone I know. The 65 year-old brother was there who had a BBQ place in his day.
We enjoy a few cocktails with our cooking (and as the recipe calls for
), so everyone was nice and relaxed as we began with a few other items and the ribs I brought that I had already trimmed and rubbed.
When it got to the point to throw them in the oven I got the looks of "ok, whatever....." I said, I saw this recipe and wanted to try it like it stated so I could give it a true test.
To keep the story short, when I pulled them off the last hour on the smoker, I knew from the look of them, something special had transpired during this process.
The ribs were perfect. No other way to describe them. They were gone within 30 minutes. The bones would literally pull out with not a scrape of meat on them. The taste was awesome. Thanks for posting this and I look forward to impressing several more groups of friends with this recipe.
Tailgate approved.