Smitty's Market


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i was driving to luling on saturday for the watermelon thump and to meet up with some friends to watch the cross canadian ragweed concert there... and we decided to stop in lockhart for a late lunch. i have been to kreuz a few times before (but not since the infamous move) so we stopped at smitty's market instead (where kreuz used to be).

i was very impressed. i had some brisket, sausage and pork ribs. the ribs & sausage stood out the best. the brisket at john muellers is better. but the ribs at smittys were impressive.

anyone been there yet? my roommate drives through lockhart every time he goes back to victoria and he is a blacks bbq guy. i prefer kreuz & smittys.

for the record, the best brisket i have ever had is louie muellers in taylor. the brisket made me forget that i drove 45 minutes for lunch.

Smitty's is in Texas Monthly's top five. I always go to Kreuz, but have heard a lot of good stuff about it.
luling city market is closed during watermelon thump.

i have never been to city market but would love to go. i have been to 3 in the top 5 of texas monthly's list: louie muellers, kreuz, and smitty's market.

still haven't been to coopers in either llano or mason or city market.

City Market is very good. The best is Cooper's. Close behind is Crosstown in Elgin.

I've never been to Mueller's in Taylor. Heard it's good though.
My group of Longhorns thought that every place in Elgin was mediocre, including Crosstown, and that the sausage was highly over-rated.

Stick with Taylor or Lockhart.
all this talk fo bbq and me not eating lunch yet makes me realize that it has been too long since i have been to john muellers. best pork chop i have ever had.
