Slow decline..?

No...just right with the talent we have currently and over the past couple of years. 2 to 3 loss teams. This year with JC gone, I do not see that improving. The defense will have to step up huge for Texas to improve beyond a 9 or 10 win team.

"It is ludicrous to suggest that there is only one reason Texas beat USC and that one reason is Vince."

Am I saying that UT was devoid of other talent? No.
Am I saying that Vince could have led Baylor to the NC? No.
Am I saying that there aren't 10 other offensive players? No.
Am I saying that Vince played defense? No.

But, I will stand by my 'ludicrous' statement that Vince is THE reason that we won the NC.

It was Vince's ability to run the zone-read that transformed the offense in mid-2004 after the loss to OU.

It was Vince who wrote on the chalk board in the Summer of 2005, 'if you want to win a NC, join me on the practice field.'

It was Vince's personality that got Mac and GD to relax and coach with the confidence of a champion.

It was the Vince Vibe that transformed the attitude of the team and the coaching staff to walk into the 'shoe' at night and do what no one else had been able to do.

It was also the Vince Vibe that inspired UT to shatter the OU mystic that had come to dominate the RRS.

It was Vince's athletism that turned the tide at OSU with 22 strides covering 80 yards.

It was Vince who took his team back to his home town and destroyed Colorado to win the Big 12 championship.

It was Vince who had the single greatest performance against the 'greatest team' and defensive genius of Carroll (with a month to plan) for him.

It was Vince who simply took over the last 6:42 minutes of the game in which he either ran or threw the ball.

It was because of Vince that the defense knew that if they could just stop USC one last time, that Vince would somehow win the game.

And, it was Vince, who on '4 and 5 from the 8' did what everyone on the USC defense, everyone in that stadium, and everyone watching around the world knew he was going to do. He dropped back, then took off running for the winning TD. Untouched.

I think what everyone is trying to say, Vince is a transcendent player who allowed great players to play at an even greater level. I have seen this a few times in my college football watching career:

Joe Montana Notre Dame 1977 and 1978
Herschel Walker
Tim Brown 1987
Vince Young 2005

Truly special players that set a very high bar on very talented teams.

These are players that played on talented teams but they just will their teams to win.