My Sunday School teacher lives on one of these streets in Oak Hill. He is looking to sell and get out but he said half the houses on the street are also for sale.
My Sunday School teacher lives on one of these streets in Oak Hill. He is looking to sell and get out but he said half the houses on the street are also for sale.

Yep. It's a taking. But good luck with property values. And good luck with the poop.

This is so true:

"Socialism is the Axe Body Spray of political ideologies: It never does what it claims to do, but people too young to know better keep buying it anyway." - Glenn Reynolds AKA Instapundit
Left Austin 20 years ago and haven't regretted it for one minute. The only mild regret I have is that I may not have moved quite far enough away.

I left San Antonio 15 years ago. I'm a long way from downtown SA, but only 12 miles north of the outer loop, 1604. Urban sprawl is overtaking my little area. I used to look out my deck and see a sea of green, but now subdivisions are going up everywhere. They took paradise and put up a parking lot.
I left San Antonio 15 years ago. I'm a long way from downtown SA, but only 12 miles north of the outer loop, 1604. Urban sprawl is overtaking my little area. I used to look out my deck and see a sea of green, but now subdivisions are going up everywhere. They took paradise and put up a parking lot.

Same thing is happening here in Dripping Springs. We moved here in '96. We did not move far enough out.

"The ACLU contends the bureau’s practice of filming and broadcasting protesters violates state law that prohibits police from collecting or maintaining information about the political, religious or social views, associations or activities of people who are not suspected of criminal activity."

This is the core of despicable Liberal mind-control. Eliminate the evidence and then say there is no evidence or it has been debunked (a STOCK phrase they use all the time).
These people are just sick and will never assimilate. Why they are being protected is beyond me. Or maybe not. Maybe it's because they are being used by Liberals to regain power.
The money will dry up after the election.
Bummer Orange, need a subscription to read.
Yes, sorry about that. In my view, the entire article is genius. Unfortunately, it is too long to copy and paste. Here is the last paragraph:
"American society is faced with a stark binary choice. Either we push back against the unrelenting assault of the neo-Marxist narrative, or we yield to the totalitarian impulse now in full view in our politics. It is no longer enough to wait for the next election, or to pin our hopes on a “silent majority” that will eventually stop the madness. There may be no such majority. If there is, its members may no longer be able to articulate what they see unfolding around them. It is hard to call things by their proper names in a society whose elites insist on calling looters and arsonists “protesters,” national monuments “symbols of racism,” and the victims of looting and arson the beneficiaries of “white privilege.” The challenge is massive, but it starts with the simple act of calling things by their proper names."

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