Silver Linings in the Cloud After Baylor

It's not working, I still feel humiliated and made as hell!.

When my sister, niece or nephew call, I want my wife to tell them I died.
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Maybe TH will finally make the right decision and replace both OC and DC. Most likely though only one of them will happen.
Still won't help. Mensa said he approves all offense... He is the big problem, who blames execution instead of seeing the issues with scheme and play calling. He should have kept Shane and the QB who transfered and changed the offense to fit them.
Not that I’m going or anything, but there should be plenty of parking for the tech game and plenty of empty seats if you want to move around and watch from different angles. Concession lines should be short as well.
Think I've got another- we only had 1 false start after a Quarter change or after calling a time out.

If memory serves it was the first play of the 4th quarter?
Additional bright spots-

Daniel Young showed he has a nose for the end zone.

This team has learned how to close out the halves scoring at the end of both halves.

I didn’t watch the game. Went out with the Mrs for our anniversary dinner and had a medium rare prime rib. A wonderful Saturday.

I have many questions for the Texas coaches, but none more so than to ask what possessed you to get married during football season? There are seven months without football, couldn't you have convinced her to be a June Bride? :yikes:

Oh, I didn't watch the game either, I spent the game with my kids, and working around the house.
I have many questions for the Texas coaches, but none more so than to ask what possessed you to get married during football season? There are seven months without football, couldn't you have convinced her to be a June Bride? :yikes:

Oh, I didn't watch the game either, I spent the game with my kids, and working around the house.
Mine is November 6th. Great time of year! We celebrated 20 earlier this month. Happy for you and your wife. Here’s to many more.
I have many questions for the Texas coaches, but none more so than to ask what possessed you to get married during football season? There are seven months without football, couldn't you have convinced her to be a June Bride?
If mama ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy
Ok then^^. My questions are: What is the dog's 40 time, and does he still have eligibility left?
The lab has redshirted all 3 of his years so far. Has plenty of eligibility left. His 40 time depends on how many treats I’m holding. I’m thinking either the long, rangy defensive end type or maybe a tough TE. The corgi might make for a good nose guard. Low to the ground, will chew your leg off. I’ll listen to all scholarship offers.
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