Good points were made above about the problem with police violence and "dangerous" black or white criminals/protestors (depending on your point of view) getting killed.
That said, someone else made a related point about it.
I expressed irritation in this thread about americans rejecting peaceful protest. However, after watching this, I realized the other reason the Oregon protestors also irritated (but not angered) me.
There are real instances of branches of the federal government violating the constitution. They include wars, wiretapping, recent supreme court decisions, etc. These protestors were not protesting a real reason. They were just generally angry at the man and decided to react disproportionally to the situation at hand. As stated above, the people they were protesting for did not even want them there. Instead of expressing their displeasure at the arrest of those ranchers in a proportionate manner, the oregon people decided to be defcon 1 fort sumter "we're armed and seizing a federal building!" idiots.
The same is true of many of the college campus protests. There are real instances of racism in the world and the usa. However, the college students keeps protesting nonsense or "microaggressions" that should only elicit "microanger." Instead, if they see or hear something they do not like (no matter how minor or if they only perceived it and it did not happen), they respond with "IM GOING ON STRIKE! FIRE EVERYONE! BAN ALL SYMBOLS I DO NOT LIKE! CHANGE ANY NAMES I DO NOT LIKE! IM GOING TO GET IN THE FACE OF ANYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH ME, SHOUT THEM DOWN, THREATEN ANYONE WHO APPROACHES MY SAFE SPACE AND ACT LIKE A NONSENSICAL TURD!"
Have we examined a factor (not the reason or even the main factor, but just a factor) in all the shootings is that people get too dang angry about stuff? See road rage for example. People will not remember what happened on their drive home the next day but get so angry at anything they do not like on the road. Why get so angry about something you will not even remember tomorrow or have any lasting effects on your life? Maybe this country has an anger problem. Maybe everyone needs to move to colorado for a little while and chill, I do not know. I do now think this may be a factor in the success of Trump, the angry man. Angry americans (of which there seem to be many of all political persuasions) can relate his unjustified or disproportionate rage to their own. Mike Tyson, Bob Knight and John Rocker all endorsed Trump and I think, other than sports, anger issues might be the only thing they have in common.