Shanahan's outta his mind - Oh, I mean great call!


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unbelievable - freaking unbelievable. 7 down, scores a td with 0:24 left and GOES FOR 2 POINTS. He made it, but I still think he's either crazy - but definitely the biggest set of kahunas in the NFL.

I agree. And they got screwed out of a non-turnover in the first quarter b/c the "Replay Eqmt wasn't working...' I feel bad for the Chargers, but I still can't believe Shanahan made that call.

I loved the call. I know it takes a lot of guts to make the call, but to me, I've never understood how you have a better chance of winning by going to overtime and knowing full well that you might not even touch the ball. You're two yards away, you have a chance to win right now.I wouldn't say it's the right decision every time, but I think under a lot of situations, I take the two point chance.
I believe a statistician or economist did a study and it makes sense to go for 2 basically all the time. I think that Shanahan likely did the right thing with it being at home or on the road.

Conventional wisdom is not always that wise.
I loved how as soon as Denver scored the TD the announcer prematurely yelled out "OVERTIME!"

And then he doesn't learn from that mistake and yellws "DENVER WINS" after the 2-point conversion - if only the Charger's receiver had been able to plant his left foot down 6 inches farther to the right, he might have really been embarrassed.
Just shows everybody makes mistakes, now and then. Ed Hochuli is the best in the business and the league, the coaches and the players know it. I still sympathize but he's as good as it gets.
read some speculation somewhere that shanahan might have known that SD got screwed, so allowed them the chance to win the game on one play. either way, i like the call, and think that more coaches should do it. mathematically, it makes sense, and in a football sense, it also wins. you're telling your guys "get two yards, and you win, we have the ball - go do it." much better than chancing an OT where you can lose without even touching the ball. in the college game - go for the tie, because of the OT structure, but, to me, it makes far more sense to go for the 2 in the nfl. get two yards, one play, win the game.
i don't know - i'm just saying that if you told me that i had a choice between getting two yards on one play and winning the game, or possibly not touching the ball again on offense and losing, or any other unknown scenarios that could happen in OT, i think going for the one play, KNOWING you have the ball and control over your destiny is the way i would go.
You have control over your own destiny in OT as well, unless some outside force compels your defense to let the other team score.

Side note: I'd rather lose the coin flip in the NFL than in college where going 2nd means you know you can afford to kick a FG on 4th down or if you have to go for the TD.
I was at the game, and I think each team may have punted once. Maybe. I think Shanahan figured he had only a 50/50 shot at winning the coin flip and if San Diego won the flip, they were going to win the game, plain and simple.

The way both offenses shredded the defenses all day long, he probably felt like he had a better shot at scoring right then and there than he did of winning the coin flip.

As a Bronco fan, I couldn't believe he was going for it - But like any fan, when Eddie Royal made the catch, I was jumping around and screaming with the best of 'em.