Shadow Government

I admit that I voting for Cruz to block Trump in Texas. I actually liked Rubio, but knew he didn't have a chance so I went with Cruz. But once he was our candidate I was all in with him. Now that I see how great he's doing with the policies I have big regrets not going with him from the start. Yes I don't like some of the things he says. But we went from a smooth talker that was a horrible President (worst ever) in BHO to not a great communicator that could be one of our better Presidents as far as policies go. If he wants to be as great as Reagan was though he has to be able to bring people together. But I understand that even if he act the way a President should that those same politicians that are never Trumpers would still be blocking him every chance they got. Because he's doing what they don't what him to do .......which is cleaning the swamp.

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