Seriously ... the Pekingnese??


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I can't believe that dustmop won the Westminster.

My cat Pumpkin was fascinated with the terrier group. She sat right in front of the television and watched intently. So I rooted for the Kerry Blue Terrier (and also the dachshund).

I am disgusted with that judge's decision. And her outfit was awful.
that little rat looked like something from a Star Wars movie.

I was hoping the doberman would take it, with the german shep coming in second. Enough with little dogs.
You are letting your bias in dog breed favoritism cloud your judgement.
I preferred the terrier, but I could see it probably would come down to the Pekingese versus the Irish Setter. I picked the Irish Setter, but really thought the Pekingese might take it. The dog has over 100 best in shows already, it wasn't a surprise.
At that level, the dogs are all almost perfect examples of their breeds. It comes down to how they show, if they have something extra in the way of personality. The two that had it were the setter and the dust mop, er pekingese.
I showed a dog for awhile. It is an odd sport. Big money helps. I didn't have it. Professional handlers take the dogs all over the country, grooming on the hairy breeds is extensive, the diets, the hotel bills, the travel expense, rich man's sport.
Just because something is competition doesn't make it a sport. Just like poker is not a sport, or pool

Now, agility dog trials and so forth ... yes, that's sport.

And I really hated that Pekingnese.
agree with Texanne, on both the winner and on the judge's outfit.

Was she wearing her husband's jockey shorts under that skirt thingy? It was LUMPY.
accurate is accurate...I let my dog preference choose my opinion for best in show. I like any breed that can move itself faster than an elderly's Amigo scooter.

Tiny dogs that look like cleaning equipment should be categorized as mops, not dogs.
I was rooting for the Kerry Blue Terrier. That is one cool dog.
I had no problem with the Pekingnese winning.

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