Selling on Thanksgiving

larry T
and isn't a free economy great although the angst from some over Wal mart etc putting vests on single moms and forcing them to work gets tired.
THAT was my point. To read many of the media and talking heads who bemoan stores opening you would think the workers have been herded into a banr and then led out in " vests and name tags' ON thanksgiving.
Read the link in one of Mrd's posts. That is where I got the expression ' single mom in a vest"

Could some feel pressured? sure but not most
The unions who came up with the idea of protesting Wal mart for opening on Thanksgiving so far haven't been avble to sign up enough workers or even union members to protest.
If it is not terrible for someone to waitress or sell popcorn it is not terrible for someone to sell TV's and toys on Thanksgiving.
I won't go to a store but others who want to will
and workers who want to make money will work.
should be end of story
This was a better country when single moms, teen agers, or 75 year old greeters weren't forced to choose between keeping their jobs and spending time with family. It's a free country, but most of us aren't exactly persons of independent means and if we're working at Wal-Mart it isn't because we turned down a lucrative job with Microsoft..
Y'all are fine to argue the Ebeneezer Scrooge originally got it right (hey why not start the after Christmas sale on Christmas!) and people should have no restraint in behaving how it best serves their bottom line.

I lament this serious encroachment on the holiday. Maybe it won't be long until we're selling insurance, fixing cars and going to school that day too. No doubt the incremental increase in GDP will warm your hearts.

But it is a free country and if KMart, Wal-Mart, Best Buy and Target are free to behave like a corporate jerks, I remain free to complain and not shop with 'em.
talk about a strawman. You keep mentioning government should not be telling which biz can open or close.
Who said gov't should/?
Not me or anyone I have read in this thread.
I have said biz should have the choice to open and workers should have the choice to work while customers should have the choice to shop.
Adjunct to that is of course people can complain about it and not patronize those they feel should not open since as your link pointed out it takes single moms away from their families. But people who do complain should keep in mind many in areas other than retail do work on thanksgiving and single moms are away from their kids there as well.
I am not sure what you are reading in my posts that suggest to you I think there should be no freedom to open
I take a libertarian view on this. Why should I care if I'm not planning to frequent those businesses on Thanksgiving? I don't. Generally speaking, its the struggling retail stores that open on Thanksgiving in hopes of getting those Black Friday shoppers they KNOW they can't complete for on Friday.

I like to go to the movies with the family the evening of Thanksgiving.
Generally you are correct but there will be a domino effect from this year just as in year's past. Once one store started opening at the unheard of hour of 5am On Friday the next year nearly all similar retail stores out earlied each other.

This will be no different but as you correctly put it for those of us not going there what do we care?

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