Roma- Lets cut to the chase. Do you consider any play/show that includes the word Christmas or is about what families do around Christmas time a "religious" event? Is national lampoon's "xmas vacation" religious? What about "the xmas story" or scrooge in "a xmas carol" or "how the grinch stole xmas"? Would they automatically be considered "religious" if they were shown or performed at a church? If so, then I can see your point. I do not agree with it and I think it is a perfect example of what people complain about when discussing this issue.
"Merry Xmas Charlie Brown" is not about religion any more than the other movies I listed. It is simply a story about what Charlie and the gang do at Xmas. Just like Thanksgiving Charlie or Pumpkin Patch Charlie. They give some historical content but very little. There is no "preaching" or any attempt to promote a particular religion. It most definitely promotes kindness and giving etc but not, at all, under the guise of religion.