SEC fan admissions tests--Southern trivia


1. Type of coffee associated with New Orleans:
a. Arabica strain B
b. Sumatran
c. Chicory
d. Costa Rican Gold
e. Folgers crystals

2. Which of the following has never been a member of the Grand Ole Opry?
a. Willie Nelson
b. Garth Brooks
c. Alan Jackson
d. George Jones
e. George Strait

3. This Black musician was a founding member of the Grand Ole Opry.
a. "Uncle" Joe Barnes
b. Robert Leroy Johnson
c. DeFord Bailey
d. Red Livingston
e. "Fiddlin" Freddy Jones

4. Illinois claims to be the "Land of Lincoln." But the truth is that Abraham Lincoln was born in this Southern state:
a. Virginia (the part that became West Virginia)
b. Kentucky
c. Tennessee
d. Maryland
e. Arkansas

5. Which railroad was known as the "Yellow Dog" or the "Yeller Dawg"?
a. The Southern Railroad
b. The Mobile and Memphis Railroad
c. The Macon and Birmingham Railroad
d. The Yazoo-Delta Railroad
e. The Illinois Central Railroad

6. During the Cotton Bowl game, a member of this Southern football team, who was not on the field during the play, came off the bench to tackle Dickie Maegle (a Rice player) as Maegle was running for a touchdown. (The refs awarded Rice a touchdown.)
a. Tulane
b. Alabama
c. Georgia
d. Auburn
e. Tennessee

7. The SEC was founded in this year
a. 1908
b. 1911
c. 1928
d. 1933
e. 1940

8. Largest Southern seaport by tonnage:
a. New Orleans
b. Houston
c. Corpus Christi
d. Mobile
e. Norfolk
f. Jacksonville

9. Where are the Boston Mountains?
a. Arkansas
b. Tennessee
c. Kentucky
d. North Carolina
e. Virginia
f. Just outside Boston, MA

10. This ardent Southern Unionist said: "I have only two regrets: I didn't shoot Henry Clay and I didn't hang John C. Calhoun."
a. General George H. Thomas
b. Sam Houston
c. Andrew Jackson
d. Andrew Johnson
e. James Buchanan

Answers below:

1. c
2. e
3. c
4. b
5. d
6. b
7. d
8, b
9. a
10. c
Regarding #4, Lincoln’s mother is from NC and i recall there is some speculation he was born in NC.

Regarding #8, where does Savannah rank as a seaport?

I don't know where it ranks in total, but I know that when we were looking at potential locations, they bragged about being Top Five in container traffic. Whatever their current status, it will assuredly drop if and when Corpus becomes the only port in America that can handle super tankers. Question is how many will bypass the LOOP and go to Corpus. Most interesting question will be whether or not Exxon bypasses the LOOP. My two cents, I doubt it.
5. Who was Ignatius Reilly?
a. The first Catholic Saint from the South
b. An Irish Immigrant who founded JAX beer and brewing co.
c. Commander of a famous Irish immigrant regiment in the Confederate Army.
d. A fictional character in the book Confederacy of Dunces.
e. A fictional character in the book Absalom, Absalom
f. A fictional character in the book/movie Gone With the Wind
g. A "Freedom Rider" killed in the civil rights era.

1. What food product did Ignatius Reilly sell (or try to sell) from a food cart?

a. Shrimp
b. Beignets
c. Hot Dogs
d. Beer
e. Boudin
f. Ice Cream

2. Why was Ignatius Reilly afraid to travel to Baton Rogue?
a. He had motion sickness
b. The food was substandard compared to New Orleans
c. He was afraid of alligators
d. He was afraid Protestants would throw bombs at the bus
e. He was afraid he would run into his father
f. People from Baton Rogue did not pronounce words correctly
g. He was afraid of missing/skipping Mass

Answers below:

1. c
2. d
One last Question for the Dunces fans (with a touch of Wokeness for people who think that is just a bastion of right wing conservatism):

1. How did Ignatius Reilly leave the big gay party in the French Quarter?
a. Very drunk with a Hurricane in hand
b. Very drunk with a JAX beer in hand
c. That idiot stealthily snuck out once he finally figured out those people were gay
d. He ran out, afraid that he would be gang-raped
e. He was physically thrown out the door by 3 burly lesbians
f. On roller skates
g. Holding hands with a "girl" that he found out later was actually a man

Answer below:


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