seating at reliant

Yeah, I was kind of (very) drunk so maybe there wasn't a curtain but my main point was that it wasn't in the center like Reliant will be.
Go to the game. Period.

I went to the Regional in San Antonio the year we made it to the Final Four and that was the loudest and most fun UT game I've ever been to.

The only games that come close to comparing would Be the night football game against Houston in 90 or whenever and the first half of the Big 12 title football game in Dallas against CU.
From everything I have been reading on ebay, craigslist, etc...

The only place they will be selling alcohol is in the 300 club level. I dont know how true this is.
Everyone has been talking about how much we wanted the Houston Regional. I am going to be sick if we do not have that place packed with burnt orange.
Has basketball ever been played at Reliant? If so, I'd love to see pics from the event.

I agree that Horn fans need to do everything possible to give our guys a home court advantage, but that doesn't change the fact that using football stadiums and domes for basketball just plain sucks. Put it in a pro basketball arena somewhere, and make the setting intimate like it needs to be. Hell, all the money made off the tournament comes from TV revenue anyway, so what's the real need for so much seating capacity, especially when so much of the seating has ****** views?
I'm not going to bother opening the article, since I posted about this seating arrangement at Reliant months ago, so I don't know if this is in there, but I do know that the NCAA is planning (at least for the Final Fours) to have student sections behind each basket that will be standing-room, no seats.

The overall seating situation is horrible for the fans. I saw a game with a similar configuration at the Superdome and it was awful. Sold my Houston Regional tickets long ago and went to Little Rock instead.
A Stanford alum friend forwarded me a link to buy tickets directly from Stanford along with a code for those tickets. PM me if you are interested in those.
Does anyone know how parking will work. I have Texans season tickets and have a parking pass and usually don't have to worry about it. Are there passes being sold? Will all lots be cash lots?
I wouldn't worry about getting in and out of the parking lots, reliant is light years ahead of the parking at the Astrodome. I go to most of the Texans home games and have never waited more than 15 minutes and that is when it was a tight game that no one left prior to the end.
My gosh, here we have a team we honestly didn't expect a whole lot out of this year and they have busted their butts to get to the Sweet Sixteen!!!! And here we are as their "fans" whining that there might not be alcohol made available...that the seats suck...that the parking might be inconvenient...MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our guys deserve better than this pathetic lukewarm support.
yall should stop comparing reliant to the superdome, the superdome is a terrible venue for football much less basketball..of course it doesnt matter to me, im from houston and ordered these tickets over a year ago just to go to the regional, im in row 6 right by the court...
It's hellaciously loud for Texans games, I see absolutely no reason it can't be so for a basketball game. We just need to get every Texas fan we can find to pack the place
sometimes they are parking cars in the Target parking lot on Kirby for $5 bucks and all you got to do is cross the street. However be aware if they aren't charging for parking it doesn't mean they aren't towing

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