You didn't ask my opinion, but no one ever does. If I didn't but in from time to time, no one would know how I feel.
Personally, I see little difference between a little girl and a 26 year old man. All are children of God and all life is sacred. That was someone's son and brother.
Why he felt compelled to post it...Probably for a variety of reasons. One, most of us live in the general vacinity (Texas) and it might have been important for all of us to keep an eye out. Second, I doubt (at least I hope so) he thinks an Aggie's life is worth more than a Longhorn's. However, I identify more with people who share similar experiences as me.
That's why I root for Ex-Horns in the NFL. I root extra for the players that go to my church. It is why I'm sometimes saddened more by tragedies in Texas and in the USA. Is it more tragic for a bomb to blow up in an Israeli bus or for a bomb to blow up in Oklahoma City? Neither really, but one strikes closer to home.
I guess it is sad anytime anyone hurts a child. Also, a child is much more naive, defenseless, and easier to take advantage of. Therefore, I would say that harm to a child is much more disturbing than to an adult.
I agree with Capitalist though, in God's eyes a life is a life.
Well, I had better get going....the workday is finally over. I didn't know Josh extremely well, but considered him an acquaintance. He will be deeply missed and his family and friends are in my prayers.