Saving music from a CD on your PC = STEALING

It is a stance against the corp's by not buying as much product new. I only buy new things at local stores that are locally owned but wait as long as I can.

Chumps steal.
If I know a band is coming to town in the near future I will hold off buying their product until the show. I will buy it there so it goes directly to them, no middleman. That is my favorite way but not the most practical or convenient.
keep in mind that when filing a suit, the plaintiff will include every claim imaginable whether valid or not. this was just a claim in a petition, it does not mean it has any legal merit. copying a cd to your hard drive would clearly be allowable imo by the fair use doctrine, however, because the defendant allegedly participated in illegal file sharing, he/she will have to prove all of his/her defenses. essentially, the alleged illegal activityopened the door to a few other redicluous claims. the record industry would never file a suit based solely on the basis of someone copying a cd to his hard drive.
F the record companies. They aren't getting money from me. I give plenty of money to recording artists. I go to their concerts. I buy their merchandise, etc. If I go to a coffee shop and I like the music that the person is playing, I'll buy that too. The record companies are failing and I say good. It's their fault.
I find that people who download music "illegally" are more likely to still provide funding to the artist by going to their concerts.
If this were true then bands would be playing Madison Square Garden and selling it out all the time, every show, every band. Even if just a small percentage went that did not go before. Emo's would be out of control as would the Parish. They would need to have 3 shows at Stubb's. But this does not happen.

Bands are still playing the same size of venue as they did before. Labels are upping the price of tickets at the front end giving them and the ticket broker a bigger piece...not the musician. They are making the same amount or percentage.

I never feel sorry for any artist or band that signs with a major or large label. They know what they are getting into and who they are dealing with. It is their decision to want to be a rock star and have groupies and videos on mtv. They want the rock star life and they roll the dice. But this does not erase the fact that the music industry, especially at the corporate levels is seedy and underhanded.

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