Santa Claus Should Not Be a White Man Anymore

It is fun to trace out the history of Saint Nicholas, who was a very admirable character. Protestants don't learn enough about great men of the faith. Personally, I think the book of Acts should be viewed as kind of a Forward to amazing acts of Christian followers over the centuries and there should be expanded to include St. Nicholas, St. Patrick, John Wesley (hey, I'm Methodist) and a few other notables.

Anyone offended by the article that offended the lovey Miss Kelly should put some fresh batteries in their sarcasm detector and read it again.
the kindly and wise Unckle Remus is now considered a vicious racial stereotype and you can't see the picture he appeared in.

Nelson Mandela is portrayed as a kind and wise man of our times and he is always portrayed as a black man when he is clearly a universal role model.

What is this ****?

NO matter how cynical I get, I just can't keep up

(with apologies and homage to Joan Didion

Mich, why dance around the obvious? This is simple stuff.

Obama's avg approval from 2008 to 2013

National - 49%
Hispanics - 63%
Whites - 41%
Blacks - 89%
Mich, now how about a real pic instead of computer generated garbage.

Now Yahoo runs a front page article stating that Megyn WON'T APOLOGIZE! Yahoo has given this more attention than they did Benghazi or the IRS scandal.

Slate magazine won't let Aisha Harris go on the Kelly show, but allows her to go on MSNBC. Go figure.

The Link
Why is this thread still alive?

Christ was probably, most definitely olive complected or from the peoples who later were Persian or Arab.

Santa Claus is a made up character from the Scandinavian region, who are, for the most part, white complected or caucasian.

I'm just curious why are posters debating a stupid topic between a Fox News commentator and a obscure columnist about the color of a fictional holiday character.


This thread is stupid!
I think her non-humorous non-sarcastic point was asking why the default is a white santa and why an imaginary figure must be white rather than a penguin?

This is a far more subtle and interesting point than the one you are making. Santa is also based on a Greek man from about 400 AD. He most likely had an olive complexion.

I guess we could discuss why this morphed into a white man?

I find none of this very interesting although it is a legitimate point.

I do find Kelly's statements (especially the one about Jesus) and the attempts to defend her interesting or did on page one of this thread.

As with most things on this forum, I am worn out now. Santa and Jesus can just be white males. You guys wore me out.

race clouds black people's political judgments but never white folks'.

Meanwhile, the Chinese navy and the US Navy are playing chicken in the east and a nation of madmen on the Korean peninsula are executing the second in command and uncle of the bizarre leader of their state and these guys have nuclear weapons and are always promising to use them when they get useful delivery systems.

We get news about Santa's pigmentation and video of some schizophrenic acting like he is an interpreter for the deaf. And Mack strung out resignation.


Thank god we have freedom of the press instead of that police state garbage they get in Cuba, right?
I don't want to discuss something?

Check the thread and get back to me. I discussed these issues ad naseum. I think we completely covered it especially when I linked the author's explanation a couple of days ago.

You guys are like energizer bunnies here and think that beating a point or issue to death "wins" it. It doesn't.

I just don't care what your opinions are anymore until the next issue that catches my eye.

I actually thought the Jesus is a white man as a historical fact was the only interesting thing in this and nobody seems to want to discuss this at all.
It's pretty obvious that Megyn Kelly was speaking from ignorance. One only wonders how many others view the world through the same glasses of ignorance.
Overall, people are not comfortable with who they are, or who others are. They make the differences a point of interest instead of being aware of similarities.

At the spiritual home of soul, there is no racial factor. Soul equals soul, for the most part. Soul enters this realm clothed in one sex or the other, one race or the other. Like putting on a layer of garments. Then, unaware one is soul, the individual identifies with that set of garments and thinks 'I'm this set of garments. I must think and act according to my garments. And see others according to their set of garments."

But who is wearing the garments and being aware of the garments? The true self that is not the garments and will one day lay them down as part of this world they belong to.

This is part of the meaning 'To thine own self be true.' Soul aware that it is soul... makes the distinction between the true self and the outer layers of a particular incarnation.

Being lost in these self-identifications is part of the karmic pattern to work through on the way to freedom and responsibility of soul, the true self. Such an aware (and therefore responsible) soul can wear the garments and know the difference. "In this world, but not of it."

My 2 cents.

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