Rufus Harris v. WinaG's

Never under estimate the possible size of an aggie recruits forearms.

The Link The link for "how the mind controlin began"
I wish we could hear from either rpongett or HoustonNole on this thread.
Henry James-No comment...

Pongett if you check out Appel's picture at Texags, he looks like he's in the Boy Scouts...

"I want to eat your children."

Mike Tyson
Nole, I wouldn't discount it being Rufus just because he said that his hobby is "killing aggies", because I imagine he doesn't have the same respect for them after what they have been saying about him. I would bet his attitude has changed just a hair. This is a guy who spends alot of time on the boards. It could be him.


I knew "nctitle" wasn't an ag. That **** was awesome. Good to see a 'stang that likes to stir the ag pot a little. They are a blast.

P.S. Rufus is going to cause some damage when he plays the ags. I'd pay money to see him take WinAgs behind the woodshed.

"It's like your dreaming Gorganzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time Baby."
longhornfaithful-Are you a Memorial HS grad?

I'm willing to bet aggie2k1 is banned... Oh well it lasted 10 posts...

"I want to eat your children."

Mike Tyson
i haven't read this thread before and i just spent the past 10 minutes laughing my *** off. thanks guys.

ou sucks.