When a young man turns in his paperwork to become a missionary he is allowed to request where he wants to serve but in the end he is usually placed where the need is the greatest. An important point is the young man must interview with a local church leaders and those leaders will made recommendations such as if the young man should remain stateside or if he can handle the rigors of a foreign mission. Those who do the choosing will pray about where they should place the guy and put him in the mission they feel best about.
The young man when he gets his paperwork back can turn the mission down or request to be sent somewhere else and the process starts over again.
As for the foreign language thing, I knew a kid whose parents were stationed with the Army in Germany he grew up speaking fluent German and English but he got sent to Japan on his mission. Now he speaks fluent English German and Japanese.
Another friend of mine went to Russia and came back to a job with the secret service because he spoke perfect Russian.