This is going to sound self promtional or what ever the word is, but about 7 hours after Romo stopped to help, I did the same here in Helsingør. An old lady in a battery operated cart had stalled in the middle of the bussiest street in the town. I got her accross the street and realized she wasn't going to get anywhere despite what she thought. She said she only lived about 4 blocks away and by the time I finished pushing it was about 2 miles. She kept saying she could make it on her own, but if I had left her someone else would have had to finish the job.
She kept saying I could just let her do the rest, but I said where I come from we're brought up to help those in need. I've also driven past a woman on airport highway leaving DFW where I drove by and said to myself "why didn't you just stop" and ended up driving around and stopped 10 minutes later and no one had stopped in the mean time. I've many times driven by when I should have stopped, but just didn't have the courage???
My point is We're all here on this planet together, so why don't we help out more often???
I also teach at a school with about 20-25% Arabic students. I'm taking 14 to Texas in October to show them Texas hospitality. Anyway, two of the students in the class are Arabic and aren't coming, but someone said to them today that they are going to miss out on meeting some of the best people in the world. I agreed in silence, but also know they are very hospitable too, and then I cringed at all the problems we have in the world and wondered why we can't get along???
Sorry for the long windedness, but just wanted to also remind everyone of the proud heritage and culture we have in America!!! And thanks to my parents too