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It doesn't matter? It's the IRS' job to make sure he didn't do anything illegal. What are you wanting to look for? To see if he's rich? Of course he is. Do we want to see if he invested outside of the US? Of course he did. Do we want to see if he paid less for his capital gains investments than people did on their income tax? Of course he did. I don't want a poor President that couldn't be successful running a private business that would be willing to pay more in taxes even though all the risk is on him than someone paying income tax as percentage wise. What do you want from this guy?
Only an idiot would complain about how much he pays in capital gains tax. America needs investors more than investors need to invest. People depend on these investors as they need their money to go forward. We need to encourage investing and our growth deeps up on it.
As far as what he did at Bain, he saved many businesses and made them profitable. Any business he saved are jobs he saved. To not have companies like Bain would not be saving these companies and would make unemployment 100% certain. To blame Bain is like blaming the doctor that couldn't save the victim of a drive by shooting.
Meanwhile we have a President that has pushed his agenda of green jobs at the expense of the tax payers with ZERO to show for it. He bailed out GM with our money that is billions in the hole and most of that money went to the unions.
So again, we should be worried what Romney did with his own private money that would prove "HE'S SUCCESSFUL" more than we should worry about Obama spending our money "AND IS NOT SUCCESSFUL?" If you were worried about both then why didn't you start a topic about BHO's huge resume of wasteful spending instead of starting a topic about Romney's tax returns that amounts to a button off the shirt in comparison?????????????????
It doesn't matter? It's the IRS' job to make sure he didn't do anything illegal. What are you wanting to look for? To see if he's rich? Of course he is. Do we want to see if he invested outside of the US? Of course he did. Do we want to see if he paid less for his capital gains investments than people did on their income tax? Of course he did. I don't want a poor President that couldn't be successful running a private business that would be willing to pay more in taxes even though all the risk is on him than someone paying income tax as percentage wise. What do you want from this guy?
Only an idiot would complain about how much he pays in capital gains tax. America needs investors more than investors need to invest. People depend on these investors as they need their money to go forward. We need to encourage investing and our growth deeps up on it.
As far as what he did at Bain, he saved many businesses and made them profitable. Any business he saved are jobs he saved. To not have companies like Bain would not be saving these companies and would make unemployment 100% certain. To blame Bain is like blaming the doctor that couldn't save the victim of a drive by shooting.
Meanwhile we have a President that has pushed his agenda of green jobs at the expense of the tax payers with ZERO to show for it. He bailed out GM with our money that is billions in the hole and most of that money went to the unions.
So again, we should be worried what Romney did with his own private money that would prove "HE'S SUCCESSFUL" more than we should worry about Obama spending our money "AND IS NOT SUCCESSFUL?" If you were worried about both then why didn't you start a topic about BHO's huge resume of wasteful spending instead of starting a topic about Romney's tax returns that amounts to a button off the shirt in comparison?????????????????