Romney's Claim that Hillary/Obama Votes=Terrorism

Quickly checking in on this thread.

Uninformed, you post the following concerning GHWB.

I agree with some parts of this statement and disagree with others. First, the disagreement. The blind man part is fa, far from clear cut. Bush Sr. did not invade Iraq for 5 reasons:
1. He wanted a counter to Persian power
2. He did not want to get into a rebuilding effort
3. He did not have support from the American people or from Congress
4. An election was coming up and he did not want a long and drawn out conflict
5. He was afraid of being bogged down in a long struggle btw. Shia and Sunni.

I agree with all those points. But my question is why you think anything has changed since the bungling of the occupation?

The surge worked for the period of time it was suppose to work. However its purpose was to give the politicians in Iraq a breathing space to work out a workable government. I don't see that happening. The violence is tracking upward, there appears to me to be no reconciliation of any substance between Sunnis and Shias. What are you seeing that shows significant progress regards reconciliation?

The Kurds are now seeking outside funding to explore and develop oil fields in their realm separate from the central government.

I am wondering what strategy, besides the temporary relief the surge has brought, that you advocate that would justify our continued open-ended presence in Iraq?
I agree that it would be great if there was more political reconcilliation. I've forgotten though what kind of reconcilliation I should expect since the surge has worked. I guess there should be some sort of oil revenue sharing legislation in place. What else should I have expected in the last 5 months? As a timeline correlation and nothing more, what kind of political reconcilliation have we experienced in the last 5 months? I hear that Pubs and Dems want to work together and I do see that we put together an economic stimulus package. What else have we come together on as opposed to shoving our ideals down the other side's throats?
I find it interesting that you think that 5 months is the entire period of time that the Iraq government has had to find a means of reconciliation.

Let's see the statute of Sadaam fell, what Sept. 2007?

Fascinating turn this conversation has taken.

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