Romney: US needs to be more active on world stage

To Romney's credit he did live abroad as a Mormon Missionary. I honestly believe that great international relations for the U.S. has a lot to gain from our citizens living abroad and doing what they can to humbly and helpfully interact with foreigners on their own turf and in their own langauage. International travel for business and mission can be a learning experience for Americans and those with whom they interact. I was personally surprised to find people from America who spent a lot of time in Turkey and Jordan raved about having really positive experiences, love the people and wish they had money for longer extended visits. I sat next to an American Christian on an airplane once. She married a Jordanian but was widowed at a young age. She came home to the US for visits, but said she felt much safer, happier and more secure in Jordan.
Mr. Deez,

The problem is, and Ive said this a million times, and more people are getting it, is that our foreign policy is directly related to our problems in the Middle East and why Muslism "hate" us.

We just dont want to acknowledge or look into that. Our policies over the last 60+ years have done much to create the problems we have, and Romney wants to exacerbate the situation.

Obama hasnt done much to correct things either, mind you.
So let's say our policies as seen by muslims have caused them to hate us.

How does knowing their perception is we and the West are the problem explain excuse or ignore the methods/ killing the islamists are using all over the world?

Explain how what they think "We" did justifies them killing so many of their own people
Because to a civilized world the wholesale killing of other innocent muslims by muslims shouldn't be ignored should it?
Horn, dont confuse two separate issues. Muslims killing Muslims has nothing to do with Muslims hating the US or committing terrorist acts against the United States.
well it does in the sense that it reveals who islamists really are.
and it is the islamists who are killing the Nato troops, calling for the destruction of infidels and it is islamists that are killing other innocent muslims including that 14 y o girl the Taliban killed today.

So yes their violent philosphy extends to us and even other muslims they decide to kill.

Reasonable moderate muslims are not out killing us or children or women they've decided don't deserve to live for any trumped up reason/
Are you saying there are separate groups of murdering muslims?
that the ones killing us aren't the same as the ones killing the innocent muslims?
This thread is dumb.

Military members and veterans don't care if a candidate ever served. If they agree with the rest of your policies, they'll get some additional brownie points if you did. But a pro-life Navy E-7 wouldn't have voted for Kerry just because he was a Navy man. Likewise, when you consider that he won 95% of the black vote, it's a pretty safe assumption that a black Marine E-3 probably voted for Obama in 2008.

Military and veterans have a strong turnout for the GOP because:

1) You're less likely to be demonized (intentional or not, direct or passive agressive) for their occupation from conservatives vs liberals. e.g. rhetoric of civilians casualties vs investment in better weapons to keep them safe.

2) If you joined the military, you probably don't have any problems with guns as a household item, tool, or hobby. After going to grad school in the New England after the Navy, I was amazed at the level of vitriol disgust some of my classmates have of guns...all guns. I was thought of as a Neanderthal for having a .22 lever action just to have fun at the range. If you were wondering, none of those classmates voted Republican. Even if you weren't a gun person before the military, and while you may also have your own views about gun control that are different from the have a respect and appreciation for them afterwards.

I don't also mean to call out guns as a DEFINITIVE reason, but simply as a very obvious and visible difference in a way of thinking, in lifestyle choices, in perspectives that a military person has in evaluating Republicans and Democrats.

3) The military is a viable career option for young men and women that come from conservative families. While I'm sure liberal families respect the men and women of the military, I don't think they promote that career option around the dinner table like conservative families do. That's just my observation as a naval officer managing sailors and marines and as someone with a lot of Obama loving friends from grad school.

WSJ: The Truth About Who Fights For Us

In reply to:

Deez, Everything will be okay because we now have the Buffett Rule. That $48 billion over ten years that we have already spent in 7 or 8 days will take care of the other 80%.

Maybe you should listen to what Paul says a little closer. He has never, ever said that by eliminating the U.S. Military the deficit will go away.
Good job Deez. I don't really need to add. However, I do think the Ron Paul supporters need to know that philosophically there are many people like Deez and myself who align closely with libertarians and fiscal conservatives on issues but don't worship at the feet of Ron Paul.

Personally, I think there is way too much government regulation in certain areas and I think we go to war too often and and spend too much money. But that doesn't mean we need to disengage from world affairs, end all government regulatory agencies and slash spending 20% this year. Such a policy would be disastrous for this country and would do almost as much harm as the runaway spending path that we are currently on. There is much between these two extremes that will allow us to maintain security and allow us to grow GDP and not deficit spend.

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