damnit. why did all you a-holes have to pre-emptively ruin a show i was looking forward to. i'm now pissed that i'm flying back in early sun from a weekend of partying to stand in lines and be pissed. that bike/other side of the river deal with your own cooler sounds good.
also, i saw the list of "prohibited" items today. MUCH more strict than acl and will be nearly impossible to find anyone. it's gonna be a clusterfuck.
Allowed/Prohibited Items
Guests and their belongings are subject to search upon entry. You can help keep the lines moving quickly by leaving large bags at home.
You may bring in the following items:
Umbrellas (small hand-held style)
Baby strollers
Two factory sealed water bottles up to 1 liter each
Empty reservoir-type water container
The following items are prohibited:
Weapons of any kind
Illegal substances (including narcotics) or drug paraphernalia
Framed or large backpacks
Chairs of any kind
Alcohol (beer, wine, water, soda, and tea will be sold at the concert)
Glass containers
Food or beverages
Skateboards, scooters, or personal motorized vehicles
Bicycles inside concert venue (bike racks are available near the entrance)
Large chains or spiked jewelry
Large umbrellas
Coolers of any kind
Pets (except service dogs)
Video equipment: No video recording will be allowed.
Professional camera equipment (no detachable lenses, no tripods, big zooms, or commercial-use rigs)
Any audio recording equipment
No unauthorized or unlicensed vendors allowed.