Riverside Apartments


< 25 Posts
I'm thinking about living in Riverside next year, as a sophomore. Can anyone shed some light on some good/bad experiences they've had?
I live there now and wouldn't recommend it. All you have is a bunch of dumbasses throwing parties at all times. Sounds real cool huh? After about two weeks, you get tired of it and wish they would just shut up. Also not real cool to wake up every Saturday and Sunday morning and find the bed of your truck filled with cigarette butts and beer cans. You can also forget about getting any kind of service help from management. The people that work here are dumbasses who don't care one way or the other. It takes weeks to get simple work orders done, so it is much easier to just fix stuff yourself.
just the thread i was gonna start. What do you guys think about livin off Oltorf? Is distance from campus all that bad and are the apt's any 'better?'
Depends on what you mean by "better?" I think oltorf is a bit far. If you want a "nice" apt., university commons and a few of the others around it are nice and relatively new. There are some ghetto *** apts around both oltorf and riverside. I would prefer north campus or maybe even far west.
Why not buy a condo and then get some roommates to live with you? That way you don't have to rent some piece of crap and you can start building your credit. Its a win win situation! Of course, I'm a mortgage broker so im a tad biased
Riverside blows. Avoid at all costs. I lived at Melrose for a year and while the apartment was alright, everything else about the area sucked.

I do have houses for lease in my database, and I also work with several realtors on the MLS who have an even more extensive database than I do, so we should be able to find something for you!
Riverside is cheap, and you get what you pay for. I lived there for about 3 years and it was just fine. Lots of parties and craziness at the pools...especially with the Jacuzzis, and you have to get a place with a jacuzzi, otherwise it doesn't suck, it sucks giant monkey balls. If you drive a newer rice burner, pick-up, or SUV, assume that it will be broken into. I drove an 86 Dodge Caravelle with 167k mi and left the windows down all the time unless it was gonna rain. I didn't leave anything valuable in the car at all, and it was just fine. You have just as much, if not more, property crime on West campus, and you can get a much better place for the money than on North Campus. To really maximize your utility get a motorcycle and an M permit. You can park just about anywhere on campus, and you don't have to worry about the bus.

Also, if you move there, get your beer at the Albertson's. It costs a bit more, (look for sales on friday/sat) but it's kept behind closed doors so it's always ice cold.
I lived there for 3 of my 4 years. It went down hill fast around 2000-2001. I think the over-building of new complexes caused rent to go down, therefore more "low income" families moved in. Poverty, trashiness, etc. that is generally associated with poor minorities came with it.

Bottomline: Live somewhere else. Sadly, Riverside is forever doomed.
My parents wouldn't let me live in the Riverside area -- be the guarantor. I wouldn't recommend the area to anyone especially someone getting their first apartment. It is a high crime area. If you have a nice car, go ahead and file a claim with the insurance agency. It is inevitable.

Edit - I don't think you will find anyone with good experiences from Riverside.
Good luck making it to class if you live on riverside. I have had about 10 fraternity brothers live out there and assured me that they would make it to class and love living out there. All of them regrettedliving there. That area is shady. Avoid at all cost.