RIP Tommy Nobis

Yes, the Longhorn Nation will miss you Tommy.

I saw him play on TV a few times. He was a warrior. I think he single handedly saved the Orange Bowl against Bama with his play in the Texas goal line stand.
Nobis was know as for his play as a LB, however, he was also our best Ol as a guard, they played both was back then. Cannot believe he is gone, I am old.
No bigger Longhorn than this guy..............he was one of my first football heroes, he in the eyes of many was equal to Butkus just didn't get the press stuck down in Atlanta.........he is def on my Longhorn Mt. Rushmore.............RIP #60! :bevo: :hookem: :texasflag:

He was the personification of what it truly means to be a Texas Longhorn. There was no better ambassador for The University of Texas.

Perhaps the grittiest performance ever was the 1965 Arkansas game, where he played in spite of a knee injury. It was all about TEAM with no thought to his draft status. That nationally televised game cost him the Hype$man, but he wanted to beat Arkansas and win the SWC.
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Wow. I happened to sit next to his brother-in-law at the OU game a couple of years ago. Said Tommy wasn't doing well at that time. Years of hits and getting hit apparently took its toll on him. He couldn't recognize anybody. Sad. RIP Mr. Nobis. :hookem:
What a surprise. I watched him play some games in high school and still do not think I have seen anyone who could hit that hard. I am talking about launching running backs.
I stole the SI feature w Nobis on it from my brother years ago and still have it.

What a great football player. Why the bull shiet, hypocritical, ***** NFL didn't ever induct him in the hall of fame is a joke.
I watched him play many times at UT and always came away thinking that he was a man playing among boys. I think that he was the best football player to ever put on a Texas uniform. And if you saw him on campus he was a gentleman.

The failure of the NFL to put him in the Hall of Fame is downright criminal. Sad to hear of his passing.
Sad to hear this. The first 60 I ever saw was Britt Hager and Brian Jones. I went to Texas 1984-1988. Glad to see Malik knows about 60, thought he would be the next.
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God Bless Tommy Nobis and prayers for his family...what a incredible athlete, leader and gentleman...most do not know, but Tommy had a brother (Joe Nobis), who was a Texas Longhorn (and was looking to have an extraordinary football carreer himself), but he died between his Freshman and Sophomore years, drowning in an accident on Lake Travis during early fall practice of his sophomore year (back in those days the Freshmen were not allowed to play on varsity).

Malik Jefferson, God Bless son, you are a true gentleman and longhorn great.

Paul S. Nichols
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Too young to see him play. But he must of been amazing. I read an article where he said he still got goose bumps when they played "the eyes" long after he retired. Thought that was cool. Hoping you are in Orange heaven with Royal and the rest!
Just learned of this from Horn buddy...

Very, very saddened by this news. #60 Nobis was a GIANT on his team and in the nation. Thus LIFE Magazine naming him the best D player in the nation.

For me he is 1A to Earl being the best on the field ever for UT.

RIP Tommy Nobis, you are a Longhorn legend that will never be forgotten!

I’m not sure that there was ever a better or more significant defensive player that has worn the uniform, or many players whose name alone evokes the response that Tommy Nobis does.

We've lost an icon of Texas Football.