She said the biggest difference between the US and Columbia
being able to walk down the street at night without immense fear of being mugged or worse.
albeit far too much infringed, I do recognize we still have a MUCH greater ability to defend ourselves individually than folks do most anywhere else ... especially a cartel-run state like Colombia (Mexico). You won't acknowledge this difference, but it's literally fundamental to the ability to exercise freedom, not just talk about it.
I don't believe we should have NO government. I endorse the Original Constitution plus the 13th and 22nd (we have some looney amendments in there) ... you could press me into conceding the 19th. (to feed the narrative of the knuckledraggqin country hick with white privilege he won't even acknowledge) ... it's become painfully clear we need the 28th amendment on the order of Ted Cruz' proposal; term limits for Congress, which must include revocation of any taxpayer funded compensation once out of office and the 29th amendment which revokes the 17th. (campaign finance reform right there)
What I'm saying is the Fed is supposed to be quite limited in scope ... but effective. We've allowed (demanded) the Fed to be everywhere ... and because of its nature (regardless of intent) is quite ineffective and also results in curtailed freedom.
What the left has presented as a 4 letter word is actually one of the few points, on the fed level, they've had right; tariffs. Properly applied is the original source of Fed funding and for a free people with a free economy would demand foreign participation, hence revenue for the properly sized Fed. But here we are ... like the Israelites 3100 years ago ... demanded a king and received one. we have a 546-crowned king who is all in our chili. 9 of those have grown in importance because the 535th are paralyzed by the pursuit of retaining their crown .... because the respective electorates are more concerned about getting "free" stuff, like city sidewalks, from the big king than they are electing a federal representative in our Republic; getting common defense and promotion of general welfare. (the latter of which doesn't mean now what it meant when it was written)
I won't say I've been EVERYWHERE ... but I've been to a lot of places in my employment; first through uncle sam's "big stick" and most recently in my hauling peeps to and fro great distances with great speed. Regulation most benefits folks who choose to live stacked 95 high in cities. For us who can actually operate a motor vehicle on our property, let alone those who choose to have such where it can do a complete 360 without reversing in multiple locations on said property ... less government is more effective government.
The "sons of Cain" are winning that struggle as power is consolidated into smaller sections of land (see the whining about the electoral college) ... but I know the end of the story. Like watching The Horns on replay when I know they've won, I do not get anxious when there's a tense moment in the game ... I'm simply curious "how do we get out of this one??" I know what happens in the end, and all of our failed governances, as a result of being imperfect people, are eliminated and then there will be peace such that a lion will lay in a pasture with a lamb.