Repubs altered Benghazi emails

Seems more like paraphrasing rather than changing. Unless these were released in Email form as being exact copies of said emails I don't really see much of an issue. But to be safe I would support hanging all parties of both sides for treason to put an end to the issue once and for all.
I'm not sure why anyone responds to this person. This is my last post in regards to any of his comments.
I've read that if you take an inventory of what people say about others, you have a strong idea of their self image.The Link

I live in a world where intelligent people have a different perspective than i do. I sometimes learn from interchange of ideas.

If I want to watch an interchange of insults, i can post on Shaggybevo orTexAgs. Frankly I like Hornfans better because it is more civil and some smart people with divergent ideas post here.

I'd respectfully suggest that if you have differences with Roger35's ideas, you use your brain to come up wiih a creative way to show yours are better.
Crockett, great post. I'll make sure I don't respond to anything negatively. You sir, are the conscience of the West Mall.
Colecanth; you are a solid poster who argues ideas and posts in a respectable and respectful manner. Certainly I agree that alter egos come into play when posting on the internet and people behave in ways they wouldn't among people they know and love (at least I certainly hope). I wouldn't presume to know people solely by what they post here.
That's what they taught me at my Tea Party meeting about people that eat Fried Chicken, they lip smack and eat watermelon!!!

Tea Partiers must be racist persecuters!!!!!

Yee Hawww, I am in the right place!!!!!!!

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