One question that jumped immediately to mind in reading that.
Is Trump a panderer?
Apparently, he is not. He didn't pander to the Hispanic vote by selecting Rubio. Nor the black vote by slecting Scott. He didn't pander to Virginians, women (Nikki), and on and on.
I think Trump believes he can win enough of those voters by the strength of his message, and by contrasting his 4 years against Biden's horrific shitshow. No doubt it is counter to standard political wisdom. But consider that had trump selected Rubio (for example), every coordinated media piece would have been about Trump pandering to Hispanics. Pandering would have become the magnified byword of the day, like "gravitas", "collusion", and other BS that has been spewed by the drive-by types for ages. Of course, they would conveniently ignore Biden's blatant pandering in selecting Kneepad Harris, but you already know how those turds play the game.
Trump is going to catch a bunch of their **** no matter what he does. So I have no problem with him picking who he picked. The media will have to come at him from a different angle, is all.