Bevo Incognito
5,000+ Posts
I look around the world today and I see so much conflict that is justified, if not fomented, by religions.
I look at history and I see the subjugation of science by religion at various points in history.
Yet I also see the good that people do in the name of religions: the Mother Theresas, the halfway houses, AA etc...
So here are my questions:
1) over the course of history, do you think that religion has been a net positive or negative for humanity?
2) so much of human conflict is justified by religious belief. Were religious belief NOT to exist, do you think people would just find something else to justify their fighting?
I look at history and I see the subjugation of science by religion at various points in history.
Yet I also see the good that people do in the name of religions: the Mother Theresas, the halfway houses, AA etc...
So here are my questions:
1) over the course of history, do you think that religion has been a net positive or negative for humanity?
2) so much of human conflict is justified by religious belief. Were religious belief NOT to exist, do you think people would just find something else to justify their fighting?