Release of robbery video

I wonder what the public reaction would have been, if when the old storekeeper was being hoisted in the air, he had pulled a 9mm out and shot Brown.
Reading is fundamental.
Either that post was edited or my multi-tasking while at work failed me. Either way if we had video of Brown being shot by the store owner/employee in the middle of this strong-armed shoplifting I don't think the energy would have been so great. This all started with a WHITE policeman shooting/killing a BLACK man. The fact that it was an ASIAN store owner shooting a BLACK man wouldn't have been more than a blip for anyone more than Brown's family and the store owner.
How funny you are
You wonder if the post could have been edited
and that same poster who edited his own post to confuse you also was able to go into YOUR post and edit his remakes in your post?
here, from your post
"In reply to:

I wonder what the public reaction would have been, if when the old storekeeper was being hoisted in the air, he had pulled a 9mm out and shot Brown"

Isn't it pretty clear that even if you are in the right that you don't **** around with Police when they say "put your hands up" or "freeze" or whatever? That dude isn't out to kill people, he is out to do his job. He has protocols to follow and you/me/whomever have rules to follow as well.

You don't have to do everything a police officer says. But if he has a gun drawn on you as you menace towards him/her you are going to get shot/tazed/etc if you are not heeding the words being spewed at you and the Police officer can honestly say he/she fears for his/her life.

That should be the message coming out of this tragedy no matter if he was a menacing ******* who got shot. Teach your children there is a time and a place to prove a point. There is a time and a place to take your stand. When a Police officer is pointing a gun at you there is probably a reason in the officer's mind for it and you better listen up and do as he/she says.(whether you are in the right or not)

And for the love of all that is holy or not, don't start stealing stuff and destructing things because you are pissed off. Your actions have consequences and short term bad decisions can have long term negative over/undertones, ramifications, for the rest of your life.

Get off my lawn as well.
I will be shocked if the Grand Jury doesn't indict on something.
From the Gov on down to slime like Sharpton to the protestors the constant call is for justice for Michael brown
NOT justice
but justice for Michael brown.
That is a hard thing for the Grand Jury to deal with.
What is sad is that the efforts of those seeking justice for Mike Brown are harming any potential case against the officer by media interviews of the supposed eyewitnesses. There are always going to be inconsistencies between eyewitnesses and even inconsistencies in individual eyewitness accounts every time they tell them. The defense attorney will have an easy time discrediting the eyewitnesses I have seen (my opinion only).
The first main witness was his partner in crime, allegedly of course. The coroners report, if what I saw was true, showed all bullet entry wounds entering from the front. So the first witness, I believe, said he was shot from behind.

I'm interested to see more of the info from the police report.
The link above from MichTex is something you all should read. It sheds a lot of information on what may have happened. Didn't realize there was a struggle in the car? Maybe that is where the officer had his ocular socket broken presumably by Brown's fist, assault? Thanks for the link.
About that broken ocular eye socket, you and Ann Coulter got duped by the second dumbest man on the internet. The dumbest being the one who repeatedly posts links from that source.

In reply to:

So an unnamed source tells CNN no broken eyesicket
and a family friend tells WaPO there wasThe Link

who will the liberals believe now? Or will they all wait for the NYT to weigh in?
Does anyone dispute Wilson had a bruised and swollen face?>
The Link

More strong evidence related opinions are being put forth. If this article above is true there will be no trial in my opinion. I live in Texas and have zero say however.

Will the people learn from how this went down? Don't grab a police officer's gun, at minimum?

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