1oop, it makes absolutely no difference whatsoever.
Augie's going to be the head coach here until he retires or unless he has a publically embarrassing legal problem for the University following numerous years of poor performance. And you, more than most around here, should know that you take what players (and parents) say with more than a grain of salt.
Now, as far as recruiting, we are not recruiting poorly. Our 4 freshman pitchers coming in were all highly touted coming from HS and while we lost a couple others to the draft, these guys are (were) all good. Position players seem to have taken a bit of a step back from 7-8 years ago, but you have to look beneath the surface to find out if that is really the case. I could just as easily put forth some scenarios supporting that our recruiting of position players has waned as I could that it has remained strong. That actually is the area that Augie needs to clearly evaluate and work on.
Now, as for how recruiting is done in general (as to Augie let's his assistants go out and recruit), that is the overwhelming standard for D1 programs. That paradigm is not going to change with a change of coaches, so please let go of that argument if you find yourself struggling with it.
Finally, for those moaning about how far the program has deteriorated (much of which is based on information that they have that I could/would dispute), you have to look at a reasonable time period to gauge that "deterioration." Over the last 10 years, Texas has been to the CWS more than any other team (6 times versus 5 for three other programs - LSU/Rice/UNC) and we've won it twice (tied with SC and OSU). During that time, our program has steadily increased it's performance at the box office while undergoing a major facility renovation. There's not an AD alive that would fire his coach with those numbers and most would be dancing with joy if they had them. More recently, we've been to Omaha 2 out of the last 3 years. Plenty of you will argue with me about our performance there last year or our offensive philosophy or just our offense in general, but that doesn't change the fact that we got there and that getting there is a very high expectation that was attained.
Guys, Augie hasn't changed. He is what he has always been, the coach with the most wins EVER in D1 baseball, with NCs in 4 different DECADES (ok, so maybe he hasn't "always" been that, but who he is has resulted in that). If you look over his long career, you will find occasional "aberration" years in the mix. And he always rights the ship one way or another.
Personally, what really surprised and frustrated me this year was the defense. Even with our injury prone and (therefore) somewhat inconsistent pitching, solid defense would have kept us as a 2 seed in the Big12 and off the bubble. Unfortunately, we gave away too many runs/games on costly defensive gaffes. Would we have gotten to Omaha without those, probably not (better chance without the injuries tho). Anybody that really follows Texas baseball knew that this year was going to be a work in progress.
I absolutely expect Augie to take a hard look at the program and make some substantive changes. However, I'm not sure that we, the fans, will actually see those changes or see the fruits of those changes for some period of time (if they deal with recruiting which is 1-2 years out). If, however, some of the rumors that are being put forth here are true, then you will actually see changes. Not at the top, but elsewhere. Personally, I don't expect that, but we'll see.