Refugee Caravan Heading For U.S.

Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández reportedly told Vice President Mike Pence that the refugee caravan now headed for the U.S. is being financed by Venezuela.

Pence: Honduran President Says Venezuela Funding Migrant Caravan

Also, as you might expect, there's another caravan being formed in Guatemala.

Trump better have a Navy ship in the Gulf waiting to load these folks on and sail them right back to Honduras. We can tell them that we're taking them to Ellis Island for processing or something.
You could argue, the power to shut the border is inherent to the Presidency under the Constitution
Or, you could point to the explicit statutory power as well
From everyone's favorite -- Title VIII

8 USC 1182(f)

See also
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But will he?
And how?
What role could the military have that could stop the horde?
The optics of a soldier stopping a woman with a child would be too stunning.

If we actually let them get to our border we are screwed
I wish we would defend our border in any way we need to ,just stop this horde and all others
But you know the illegals will trot out pics of hurt kids.

I was serious about using the Israeli skunk water. Not deadly but effective
BTW how does Venezuela have any money to finance the invasion? Soros?
Here comes the surprise twist: most of my liberal friends think the caravan is the work of conservatives in order to gin up fear and increase urgency to vote.
They are incredibly suspicious of the timing before mid-terms, and how the narrative of invasion speaks to the non-caring, un-American, un-Christian Trumptards.
Pretty good article summing it up by a former Navy officer and naturalized citizen --

" ..... The first thing to understand about the caravan is this: It is far easier to arrive illegally at our southern border, claim asylum, and enter the country with certain legal protections in place than it is to legally immigrate here with a visa. Look at how differently we treat legal immigrants versus asylum applicants.

According to the State Department’s November bulletin, it will take up to 23 years for the U.S. to issue green cards for those in the longest lines; for those granted asylum, they can apply for a green card in just 12 months.

Legal immigrants are required to prove that they can be self-sufficient financially before they are granted a green card; however, those granted asylum do not have to prove they can support themselves financially and can take food stamps, welfare, or Medicaid.

While legal immigrants are subject to limited visas, country quotas, and lengthy wait times to sponsor a family member, successful asylum applicants immediately attain asylum status for their spouses and children under the age of 21 — even if they are still living in their home country. And yes, the spouse and children are eligible to apply for their green cards after just 12 months.

Our asylum laws are designed to protect political dissidents and those who are truly in danger of speaking out against hostile regimes. It was meant to be narrow in scope, admitting small numbers of people who deserved U.S. protection every year. It was not meant to be used for the mass migration of unskilled laborers who are simply seeking to escape poverty by finding a job here and sending money back to their home country. Using asylum for this purpose is an abuse of our immigration system and violates the trust of the American public.

People have quickly figured out that seeking asylum is the fastest, easiest way to get into the country — even if you enter illegally. That’s because you can be let into the country while your asylum request is pending in court — which could take years....."

Asylum abuse: The caravan has no regard for the legal immigration process
....BTW how does Venezuela have any money to finance the invasion? Soros?

They are still selling oil, although not as much as they used to. lol

I think they have the largest known reserve in world, but it's heavy and expensive to produce. They definitely need higher prices to offset those production costs. That was one of Hugo's worst mistakes - he set up spending programs assuming oil would stay above $100. Oops.

This was also how Cuba managed to stay afloat after the Soviets ran out of money and cut Fidel off. Hugo replaced the Soviets as Cuba's sugar daddy with free gasoline and cash
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So the president of Mexico offered asylum to the horde including benefits and they turned him down.

Migrants traveling in a caravan through southern Mexico have rejected a proposal by President Enrique Pena Nieto that they apply for refugee status in the country and obtain benefits.

Coordinators of the caravan read out the president’s plan called “You are at home.” Migrants shouted “Gracias!” but “No, we’re heading north!”

Activist Irineo Mujica of the Pueblo sin Fronteras group is supporting the migrants in the caravan. He told the group that 80 percent of those who apply for protective status would be rejected and deported."

We can not let even one in.
I think the Activist meant any that accept Mexico's offer of employment housing education welfare and medical care. 80% of those would be turned away by Mexico. It is in the activist's interest to force a confrontation with us.

Since we do not have to let anyone in and If I understand it since these people have now entered 2 other countries we do not have to allow anyone who gets to our border to ask for asylum.
If we do not stop this the next and next and next hordes will be larger.
This is a comment posted on Yahoo in an article about the horde. I do not know if it is all true but much of it has been shown elsewhere.

"I was just in Mexico & visited this "caravan" and let me tell you the TRUTH. Most are young able bodied men between 15-ish & mid 30's. There are HUNDREDS of huge NEW flat bed tractor trailers driving these people to the next "camp site" which is set up & waiting for them. Thousands of new tents set up in nice rows with huge soup kitchen style mess tents as well as MASH type medical facilities they even have professional concerts almost every night (at least the 2 nights I was there) complete with sound stage & lighting - it was like going to a weekend rock concert and yes there is plenty of partying going on! They are getting handed an alotment of CASH everyday but no one would reveal the actual source. The BS media isn't covering ANY OF THIS!"
Since there are videos of this second horde storming and getting through the barriers and get into Mexico it is true.

So the UN is helping this horde and coaching them on how to apply for asylum. International law provides that they apply in the first country they enter. Mexico is the second country and the horde is mostly refusing Mexico's generous offer ( subsidized no doubt by us, which is ok ) there is ZERO reason to let even one of the horde apply here.
Leaked Documents Prove Soros's Open Society Is Working with UN in Supporting Current Illegal Migrant Crisis

At the above link is also a story on Soros providing funds and organization.

Where do these poor hungry people get the cell phones
and how do they keep them charged? Does this look like someone who has walked for 2 weeks?
Caravan migrants: Single mother explains why she left her two children behind to journey to the US
Ocasio-Cortez says
"These are refugees using legal routes to seek & apply for asylum.

At this point, if you are an outlet adopting the President’s language to describe this as a “caravan,” you‘re playing yourself. And letting him play you."

No once the horde passed though Guatemala without seeking aslyum let alone Mexico they are NOT using legal routes.
Trump says he's setting up tent cities on the border to hold them all. They'll be held until they get an asylum hearing and then supposedly deported. That will be a change, if it happens.

The Left, aided and abetted by the MSM, is going to raise a stink and file lots of restraining orders over their treatment. You know they'll try to get pictures of kids kicking soccer balls around in dusty fields to raise public sympathy. God knows what will happen if unruly ones try to break out of these camps and have to be restrained by force.

Gonna be a dogfight for the soul of our nation.
Ocasio-Cortez says
"These are refugees using legal routes to seek & apply for asylum.
At this point, if you are an outlet adopting the President’s language to describe this as a “caravan,” you‘re playing yourself. And letting him play you."
No once the horde passed though Guatemala without seeking aslyum let alone Mexico they are NOT using legal routes.

IMO, refusing to accept the generous offer of asylum made to them by Mexico automatically disqualifies them from asylum here
Do these people look impoverished? or starving? or like they have been walking for weeks
the stroller retails for $399 Love the anti Trump sign
No reasonable person would dispute your opinion on this. Therefore, all liberals will dispute it.

It would not surprise me if this was worked out together in advance between the WH and Mexico City. As a legal matter, their claim for political asylum in the US has already been rendered moot.
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Hey Clean they don't have to manufacture pictures of kids playing soccer in dusty fields. Back when it was safe to drive over to Juarez wife and I stopped to watch kids playing in a dirt field with a ball made of what seemed to be rags. Ok this was, like I said when it was safe so probably +15 years ago but looking across the border now from El Paso, I doubt it is different in many areas.
IMO, refusing to accept the generous offer of asylum made to them by Mexico automatically disqualifies them from asylum here

No reasonable person would dispute your opinion on this.

Not so sure there. Isn't asylum from Mexico about as useful as the homeless dude on the corner offering to co-sign your loan for a new Mercedes?
in reality maybe BUT from a international law standpoint not so sure.
Mexico offered asylum, jobs, medical and free education. So the horde turned it down.That would be considered a great offer by many millions in the world.
JoeFan has it right. I am sure Trump offered to help Mexico fund this.

Now, just turn them ALL around.
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in reality maybe BUT from a international law standpoint not so sure.
Mexico offered asylum, jobs, medical and free education. So the horde turned it down.That would be considered a great offer by many millions in the world. JoeFan has it right. I am sure Trump offered to help Mexico fund this.Now, just turn them ALL around.

I wonder if Trump also attempted to negotiate cooperation with the Mexican Govt to station US troops inside Mexican territory. Anyone think Mexico would go for this? Is there an acceptable price for that?

The advantage for us would be intercepting the caravanors before they actually step onto US soil. Legal meaning attaches to that act. Thus, one idea would be the prevent it from ever happening. How do you do that? Intercept them on Mexican soil.