Referring to UT Tyler as Texas-Tyler

Pulpwood Horn

25+ Posts
Native Texan living in coonass country now. The local paper insists on referring to UT Tyler as "Texas-Tyler"... I think I've seen them do the same with other schools in the UT system.

They probably do this because Louisiana schools use this designation. Have you seen this done before for schools in the UT system? Just a random question. I've considered sending a corrective email, but I may not be aware.

BTW... they also shorten "Democrats" to "Demos" in their headlines... so I'm not sure they know how to abbreviate anything.
I'm not sure what the problem is. University of Texas at Tyler, UT-Tyler, Texas-Tyler, UTT. What the heck's the difference? I can't understand why that would bother a Texas grad. I mean what exactly are they supposed to call themselves? They are a part of the UT system and they are in Tyler, Texas. Texas-Tyler seems alright to me.
I don't see the problem with Texas-Tyler. I see and hear Texas-San Antonio, Texas-El Paso and Texas-Arlington quite a bit, I just prefer to say UTSA, UTEP or UTA as it's less effort on my part.
Slow down, drycreek. I don't "have a problem" with it. And I'm not concerned with what UT Tyler calls itself. Living in Texas all my life, I simply had not ever heard of one of the other schools in the UT system referred to in this manner. I have, however, heard the Louisiana schools referred to this way. So I threw out the question of whether or not you found this strange.

Your vote for "not strange" has been noted. Thank you.
Sorry if I came off too strong Pulpwood, it wasn't intended to come of that way.

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