
I can confirm that Alex Okeafor, Tariq Allen and Kevin Brent were there because I saw them with my own eyes. I believe Marcus Davis was there was well.

The recruits were all sitting with their families in the lower east side. They all had name tags on, as well as their family members. I was trying to get over to the west side to tell Corso how much of douche he was, but had to wait for all the recruits and their families to file past. There were a lot that I didnt recognize. Plus, I was drunk and delirious with joy from the win. So it was hard to keep focusness on these things.
Great that all these guys (plus the two ladies in town for women's basketball) got to see such a great game and feel the excitement of being in a sold out stadium full of mostly rabid Longhorn fans.
Wow, great to see the class of '10 in attendence. Another McCoy-Shipley duo waiting in the wings. The other teams in the B12 might as well give it up.
Nash Nance
The Link

"Offer" from Harvard, so I guess grades won't be an issue. Pretty good size (not sure if he's really 6'4, seems a little shorter on the film IMO). From the one game of film they have on there he looks to have pretty good accuracy and decent arm strength, though I'm not very good at evaluating QB's on film. He can move around a little. Not a true "dual threat" though from what I've seen. Went to Muschamp's HS, and is being recruited by UGA, UF, and Bama, among others.

I don't know his numbers, but I doubt they're too incredible because his Wr's had a lot of drops in his film. His LG also looks to be in the 5'10 175 range.

Here's a Rivals sub link to what I'm assuming are most of his throws from an earlier game.The Link
Nash Nance

Lets not get too excited about an out-of-state quarterback just because he visits. I think Chris Sims was the last one we got.

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