Thanks for the update, H-D.
I wasn't very clear in what I wrote regarding the 85 limit. I was thinking hypothetically. I intended to put in that the 85 max applied but when it came to JUCOs in the Spring semester, I was unclear. Also, I haven't found anything that allows or limits the number of JUCOs beyond the 25 annual limit.
My reading of the rule is that at any time, there can be no more than 85 on football scholarships...period. If Seniors do not graduate or leave in December, they remain on scholarship until May, correct?
What about this scenario:
If a JUCO or high schooler comes in for the Spring but all the 85 scholarships are still being used by the previous season's players, the newcomer has to foot the bill for a semester. That is regardless of a JUCO counting against a previous year's 25. That might prevent an early enrollee from enrolling.
This will not happen to the Horns this year as there are numerous scholarships available due to early graduations and transfers. Plus, some that intend to play pro ball drop out to work out for the combine or hook on as free agents.