Recomendations for fish/seafood in Austin?


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Seeing as how its Lent right now, and if I need to eat fish on Friday, I thought a thread about this is in order.

Where in Austin has good fish or seafood. It doesn't necesarrily have to be seafood restaraunt, either, they are usually a tad on the expensive side for a college student to dine at on a regualr basis.

I'll throw out a couple:

EZ's. Seriously, their grilled trout is awesome. I've had it a number of times, and its always been outstanding. It comes with EZ's rice, grilled vegetables, and foccacia bread, all for about 8 bucks (6 if you have a student ID) Plus, if you havn't given up sweets for Lent like I have, then have one of their awesome milkshakes.

Central Market. Ate there last night, I had the cajun blackened catfish (it was a special, not there every day), and my girlfiend had the garlic butter salmon. The catfish was excellent, and quite spicy, served with dirty rice and grilled vegetables, and it was $11. The salmon looked good, and the small bite I had tasted better than average, and it came with mashed potatoes and grilled vegetables. It cost 8 bucks

So it looks like Lamar is a good place to go for fish. Where else around Austin can one go for fish on fridays, preferibly without breaking the bank?
Man, do I miss Central Market meals. I used to live at the Gables next door and I must have eaten there 4 times a week. Changos, on Guadelupe, has pretty good fish tacos. I think Hyde Park has reasonable fish entree prices also.

I don't know if you've ever tried grilling fish, but it's really not that hard. Buy some fresh fish at CM and ask one of the guys there about a marinade. If you do it yourself you can eat twice as much and cut the cost in half.
I love Cafe Josie, but it's on the pricy side. I also agree that CM has some surprisingly good fish dishes for a reasonable price.
Also, if you don't mind fried, Hut's has a fried catfish special on Fridays, and Boatyard Grill next to Hula Hut has some good fried catfish also.
la salsa (Ii know, it's a chain)... but they 2 diff types of grilled mahi mahi tacos that are out standing... the fresh salsa bar is pretty good, too...
Up northwest, try Pacific Star. Its on 183 around Hymeadow, next to the Acura dealership. The place is a dive, but they've got good cheap seafood - fried, baked, boiled - you name it. The service is always a little iffy, but I really dig this hole in the wall.
I second Pacific Star!!! I love their food, esp. the gumbo and catfish. If you go, tell the manager, James, that Durkee sent you. You won't have to worry about iffy service!

Oh, and the draft beers are ice cold, too!
Mariscos on East Riverside has an excellent Oyster Shrimp Cocktail and Captain's on IH 35 across from Capitol Plaza has a great whole fried catfish.
Best seafood in Austin?

Drive south until you hit saltwater.

Actually, I'll third the Pacific Star rec -- about as close to a gulf coast fish shack as you can get around here.

For fancier seafood, Eddie V's is mighty fine -- they do a great filet munierre (sp?), and a fantastic crab cake.

I'd kill for a place like the King's Inn here, though. Big platter of oysters and the avocado salad. Damn. Now I'm hungry.