Realtor's Fee Representing Seller


250+ Posts
About to make an offer on a condo and looking over the standard contract with my realtor is a clause that says realtor will be paid 3% (no problem) but if the seller does not pay this I (buyer) am on the hook for said fee. It's the standard language, but it appears that all the seller has to do is utter the word "no" then my realtor turns around to me and now I have to cut a check for the 3%. I don't think I should take this risk from the seller - that's my realtor's risk to take. Am I worrying about this too much?
That's definitely standard language and nothing to worry about. Your realtor probably wouldn't have even showed you the place if the seller had stated they wouldn't pay the buyer's agent. If you want to be safe though, ask your realtor to check. The seller would have to state that up front when they sign the contract with their agent, so it's information that should be known already.
wtf? The Purchase Offer here in Cali has no mention whatsoever of commission. It's all in the listing agreement between the listing agent and the seller. The listing agent shares that info with the buyer's agent via the MLS