
God damn. I thought wine snobs were annoying sonsabitches

and I think if you said water was wet perham would argue the point
I dropped into Flying Saucer in Addison last night. Ordered an Anchor Steam. Thought it was draft, but was a bottle.

The Real Heavy is indeed the ****. The only Real Ale brew I haven't been a big fan of is the 'Bighouse Brown.'

Speaking of Belgian beers, the Manneken Pis Belgian White at more than 9% ABV is awesome. I tried it at Gingerman a couple weeks ago. Check it out, if you haven't already.
Why don't we settle this like men-at the first annual/monthly or weekly Flying Saucer beer breathing and tasting expo? Somebody set this up in the near future. We can duel with chalices, steins, or flutes at 20 paces.
I like how perham showed his *** on this thread, everyone else is talking about Beligian Beers like Trappist Ales, and he goes off on a tangent about lambics to prove a point - but he missed the point entirely.

Srsly, how about getting together there one night for some tasting and authentic beer gibberish? Not this weekend, though, going camping. Memorial Day weekend?
I have noticed that several American micro's are trying to copy the Belgium Ale style. I've only tried a few but have not found one that I like, other than Brooklyn 1, which is sorta similar to Chimay Ale. Thoughts?
Real Ale's new Devil's Backbone is an excellent Tripel style,'s dead on the style.
Although I'd say that Ommegang out of New York State is one of the most well renowned for domestic Belgian style beers.
I just think it's the mark of a quality brewery to be adventurous and delve into these beer styles.
I'm not a fan of the Fat Tire, but other than that New Belgium Brewery makes some decent Belgian-style beers. Their 1554 is almost identical to a local black ale that I really liked when I was living/working in Belgium.

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