Random Season News

Who are these people that think college football games last too long?
I watch one after the other all day anyway.

Report: NCAA football considering major rule change affecting passing game

They shouldn't run 20-30 minutes longer than pro games on average. The biggest culprit is the halftime show.

I don't think anyone with even partial love for the game would be in favor of the clock starting after incomplete passes. That would screw up at least a couple outcomes per weekend.

I've been kicking this can down the road since at least the 90s, but I don't think the clock should stop on a first down. This isn't high school where the chain gang needs to settle in before play resumes.
Texas football fans wanting to see alternate uniforms during the 2023 season will have to keep waiting. PerChip Brown of Horns247,Longhorns athletic director Chris Del Conte said Monday the iconic burnt orange and white hues will stick around for the foreseeable future and there are no plans to add a secondary look at Texas for the time bring.

"If God wanted multicolored sunsets, He'd have made them purple and green," Del Conte said. "But He didn't. They're burnt orange. ... It's not old. It's not stuffy. It's Texas. It's the best."
The people want 9 conference games. I guess the upside is playing everyone else twice over a 4-year span, so we couldn't complain about only getting Bama or UGA once in a while.

It seems to me that CdC kind of wants this rotation as well so that we could easily get 3 nonconference games at home every year. We don't have a problem going to Ann Arbor or Columbus, but if we're gonna get three other cupcakes, they need to come to Austin.
I saw a projected secsecsec schedule showing tceh as our permanent ooc game. Hope it's wrong.

Just checked tceh's 2025 schedule. We're NOT on it.
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I remember reading how mad Tech Administrators were because CDC stated we could not give them any guarantees. I hope he held firm.