Random Season News

My 1st date with Mrs. 1sa was to watch the Red River Shootout (as it was known in the Dark Ages) on TV 35 yrs ago this weekend. 35 yrs & 2 adult children later we STILL have a standing date for ou/Texas. I had a heart attack last week & don't know how many more I will enjoy. I find 49-0 MUCH more enjoyable than the score 35 yrs ago...regardless, I find being part of one of the greatest rivalries in College Football to be the bomb. Here's to 56-0 this year & here's to Mrs. 1sa for putting up with me all these years.
My 1st date with Mrs. 1sa was to watch the Red River Shootout (as it was known in the Dark Ages) on TV 35 yrs ago this weekend. 35 yrs & 2 adult children later we STILL have a standing date for ou/Texas. I had a heart attack last week & don't know how many more I will enjoy. I find 49-0 MUCH more enjoyable than the score 35 yrs ago...regardless, I find being part of one of the greatest rivalries in College Football to be the bomb. Here's to 56-0 this year & here's to Mrs. 1sa for putting up with me all these years.
Hang in there and keep on keeping on.
Horns Up!

Texas would have to play tight and drop balls all over the field to lose this game. It can happen, but likely not with this year’s team. They have already passed a big test at Bama. OU - not so much.
That is a couple of ligaments short of an amputation. No kidding. That soRT OF INJUry ended Bertelsens career. I could outrun him. Amputee.
May God bless you with His healing!!
Go Horns!

My 1st date with Mrs. 1sa was to watch the Red River Shootout (as it was known in the Dark Ages) on TV 35 yrs ago this weekend. 35 yrs & 2 adult children later we STILL have a standing date for ou/Texas. I had a heart attack last week & don't know how many more I will enjoy. I find 49-0 MUCH more enjoyable than the score 35 yrs ago...regardless, I find being part of one of the greatest rivalries in College Football to be the bomb. Here's to 56-0 this year & here's to Mrs. 1sa for putting up with me all these years.

Physically, he should have died in 2001, but by the Grace of God and a breakfast meeting at Maggianos (sp) at South Coast Plaza, his problem was discovered and corrected immediately. Gave him an extra 20+ years.

After calming myself down I have to agree with a lot of what he said. He honestly doesn't have "elite arm talent" and he has had a LOT of wide open receivers to throw to the past year and a half.

But if he can be effective in this offense, who cares. No one ever tagged james Street or Rodney Allison as "elite arm talent" yet they were awesome by the time their careers were over
Ironically the pro scouts love his " elite arm talent" , so there's that. But yeah at the end of the day how he functions in this offense is all that matters.
He is rated as no worse than the 5th rated qb if by nfl he were to come out.
If he turns out to be just a good college qb I'm good with that.
May God bless you with His healing!!
Go Horns!

My 1st date with Mrs. 1sa was to watch the Red River Shootout (as it was known in the Dark Ages) on TV 35 yrs ago this weekend. 35 yrs & 2 adult children later we STILL have a standing date for ou/Texas. I had a heart attack last week & don't know how many more I will enjoy. I find 49-0 MUCH more enjoyable than the score 35 yrs ago...regardless, I find being part of one of the greatest rivalries in College Football to be the bomb. Here's to 56-0 this year & here's to Mrs. 1sa for putting up with me all these years.
Thanks, 22.