Random Off-Season News

Its a private league and they are concerned about their image, so they can set their own rules... But maybe they should start by drawing a line in the sand about spousal abuse, driving while drunk, shooting up skrip clubs etc etc
I don’t see what the issue is personally. Sit stand knee stay in the locker room I don’t care it doesn’t bug me I just think it’s weird that they become so patriotic all of a sudden and if it’s about respect for the flag then why were they taking money in exchange to play the song. Why wasn’t it done a genuine gesture from the start.
They don't have to stand. They can stay in locker room.

Not sure why the NFL is made out to be the bad guy. My understanding is some kneel to bring attention to injustices (perceived or actual) from bad cops, and others.

How is the NFL responsible for that? Demanding to use their job as a platform isn't automatically okay.

I'm not allowed to kneel, turn my back, or boycott my meetings and conferences because I'm against (pick an injustice in the world that my company is not responsible for).

Where am I wrong?
Your employer makes you stand for the national anthem?
Funny... I knew there would be some blowback on that one. I believe you know what I am saying. Employers place requirements on you....many and all kinds. There seems to be two competing mentalities at work in the US right now. Though I'm not that old...you can put me in the old school category when it comes to right to work. If I worked somewhere and didn't like what they were doing...I'd suck it up like a big boy and do my job or shove off and find a place to work whose values and demands suited me better. I wouldn't whine, complain, and certainly wouldn't form a union, call a lawyer or write a letter to the ACLU or any other acronym.
I was raised by my grandparents who were born before 22 year olds cried to their employers for asking them to do work and for not starting them off at the top with the corner office, biggest check and top title.
Working is a privilege... Not a right. Nothing unreasonable about an employer asking you to do something the employer deems important to their image, marketing, bottom line.
This isn't something we have to agree on, but here is where I stand:
I'll tell you right now if I had an employer I'd assume responsibility to do what they asked of me...barring anything illegal. Simple as that...for me at least.
And, by the way, Im not saying the issue being discussed here should be the main issue/aspect...just the one most appropriate for this news item. There are plenty more issues to raise on this subject...but we might go West Mall so...