Quelle Horror Kerry is right.


This is a first but John Kerry is absolutely correct when he says spying on one's allies is not unusual.
Unusual? I bet it has been SOP for hundreds of years.

I guess I understand why the countries and the EU feel they need to make a fuss but come on
Which country was it that got caught ?
I need to look that up

from link
"Speaking to a press conference today, Kerry said: 'I will say that every country in the world that is engaged in international affairs and national security undertakes lots of activities to protect its national security and all kinds of information contributes to that. All I know is that is not unusual for lots of nations.'

Read more:The Link
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So France is all indignant and demanding?
google could be their friend

CBS from 3 years ago:
"Back in 2001, European leaders accused the United States government of operating a vast industrial espionage network that was eavesdropping on European businesses and giving trade secrets to American companies.

According to the latest WikiLeaks cable release, they should have been looking internally.

France is the country that conducts the most industrial espionage on other European countries, even ahead of China and Russia, according to leaked U.S. diplomatic cables, reported in a translation by Agence France Presse of Norwegian daily Aftenposten's reporting.

"French espionage is so widespread that the damages (it causes) the German economy are larger as a whole than those caused by China or Russia," an undated note from the U.S. embassy in Berlin said.
The Link

I may never say this again but You Go John Kerry.

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