QB Wofford is recruiting

Because in reality we are not the Jones, we are the Jonsed. We aspire to be W-sips and as long as at least keep trying I am fine with that.

Victa, do you have any photos of your headband?
I had a photo made of my ring, head band and a plush Longhorn which I've framed and hung in my office. I think the boss is impressed.

Also, you're not fooling anyone, Loop. We all know you're a w-sip.
Loop is a w-sip troll and everyone knows it. Only a looser spends time on a rival's sight and we have several w-sip trolls on this thread alone. When are mods going to do something about this!
Well, at least my Terriers don't cheat profusely like teams in your Big 12 which is not even 12 any longer. Yet you still call it Big 12! How stupid is THAT.

I am a tighter.
I bet you're a real riot at Oil Can Terrier's. We reduced the number of teams to ten to help w-sips who kept running out of fingers when trying to figure out how many teams were in the Big XII.

Looser troll!

And just so you will know, we were offered to join your conference but refused. We cannot be seen rubbing shoulders with a team that we own. On your best day you are half as good as our worst.
I turn my monitor upside down so I can do the upside down whorns. If you put V and Y together it is a W. Suck it, fake sips.
To you OU fans who want to get all uppity or step up, step off. My W-Sips own the Longhorns who own you, therefore we own you twice.

I hate those arrogant w-sips. They have no traditions of their own, I bet they even walk on the grass near the student center, and not a one has been duct taped naked out in the quad.
their's a guy - a w-sip <tee hee> - who works in my office & trys to tell me about they're traditions, one that they call "walking the dog" that's for the senors only where they all hold hands and walk across they're campus to the grassy area near the student center and when their all there the senor leaders yell "uncover!" and they drop trou and doo-doo in the grass and then the leaders yell "cover!" and they cover it with grass. he said SI rated this the best tradition anywhere and I said they stole they're so-called "tradition" from Virginia Tceh.

their so ghey.
I was at work and our company only hires Fightin Texas Longhorns. Anyways, some w-sip right out of college comes in and gives us his resume. Man was he arrogant and we told him to hit the road. We also shoveled manure on his car before he left. Tee-hee. Take that you commie w-sip.
I went to the Wofford site and they are advertising a poll to see which team is better.

I think that they are cheating and voting multiple times to show that they are better.

What are we going to do? I want to win the poll to show that we are the better team.


Damn sreirreT
Oh noes! The w-sips are ahead! Squeeze, Horns--we've got us an internet poll moral victory to win!

Vote now! We've got the best alumni network in the nation. We need to email every Fightin' Texas Longhorn we know and get them to vote!
You Horns think you are so great and that you are the Joneses. Well, we Terriers have news for you. You are a bunch of copycat hacks. You make Kirk Bohl's look like a competent and talented individual chock full of witty original thoughts.

What's this, a Longhorn Network? Whatever. You got your idea from TerrierVision.

Woof Vision!!

Here is what REAL athletes look like in a REAL fitness drill. How much did your Athletic Department have to pay people off the street to go watch your scrimmage? Watch with the usual envy you Horns are accustomed to having. Drool over the intensity and super high energy!


Wofford Terriers branging it.
Here is our Promo for the upcoming season. You wish that you had the professional production work and resources available to have something like this. I have seen your Clash of the Titans 1970's hype video you play when your players (if that's what you want to call them) enter your stadium. It looks like a bunch of Minotaurs being shot by lazers or something.

Notice that our guys can spin balls, tie their own shoes, wear Addidas (the company that makes Soccer shoes, the top sport of the world) and that they even march in cadence. Your Aggies are jealous because our TEAM is a freaking CORPS!!!

Commence typical envy:

Don't feed the w-sip troll.

Point being, and I've said this for years, the ankle biters are obsessed with the rough, tough, real stuff Texas Longhorns.
I am going to first apologize . . . I visited their message board.

I am ashamed to admit that they have proof that a reirreT (I spell it backwards) is stronger than a Longhorn. I found this video on their site:


Damn sreirreT
Ok I know it shows that I have over 1000 posts and i've been around here for awhile but I guess I missed out on whatever this"Wofford" thing is on this board. I know its a liberal arts college in Spartanburg South Carolina but why do the W-Sips find their way onto our board so frequently. Someone please enlighten me to the origins of ou rivalry.
Obvious troll.

(Okay, I'll let you in on what you can't understand from the outside and can't explain from the inside. Several years ago we had a basketball match up with Wofford in the NCAA Tournament. Someone just assumed the posture that our friends in College Station maintain towards tee yew. )

Now go back to cruising dudes, you obvious w-sip (tee-hee, we know how angry you get when we call you that.)

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