QB transfers

Maybe he knows the hype is greater than his ability.
Grad transfers should be eligible immediately. All others with the exception of extreme hardship should have to sit a year. Fields and Martell don't qualify. The coach's can move without restrictions argument is for the less intelligent.
All others with the exception of extreme hardship should have to sit a year.
What would qualify as an extreme hardship? I'm really asking because I don't know.. I just know if there is even a slight opening too many kids and schools (ou) will try to take advantage.
What would qualify as an extreme hardship? I'm really asking because I don't know.. I just know if there is even a slight opening too many kids and schools (ou) will try to take advantage.
As currently defined by the NCAA being the primary caregiver or at least heavily involved regarding a family member. Not I have or most likely will be beaten out by another player.
Also denying not being immeaditly eligible creates a hardship on future earnings. Again Fields and Martell don't qualify unless something not yet known to the general public applies.
[ignoring all of the jealousy pointed towards my Sooners...]

I don't get how Justin Fields is immediately eligible. Also, best of luck to Casey Thompson with you guys.

Fields had a racially charged incident occur that he would attach to his request that would likely be approved.
So being a pampered douchenozzle does not qualify as a hardship per the NCAA?
How'd Baker Mafield get one then?
Mayfield was a walk on who never got financial aid. Losing a year for transferring within the conference is a ******** rule that should never have been adopted. The only problem was making an exception for him alone. The rule should have been changed yesterday at the latest.
Fields had a racially charged incident occur that he would attach to his request that would likely be approved.
Sadly the gutless wonder that is the NCAA may well agree for political correctness, which I abhor, will grant. Doesn't make it right.
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What would qualify as an extreme hardship?

Fields had a racially charged incident occur that he would attach to his request that would likely be approved.

These two are one item that is the biggest decision the NCAA has ever faced. If they grant Fields "hardship", which was started and is being driven by his father, then every unhappy kid in college athletics is going to pay a couple of guys $200 to yell at him during a game and video it so they can transfer. This is a complete abomination driven by a helicopter father. It does, however, give Martell's father an option claiming someone yelled "cracker", or "white trash" or "honkey" and demand he play immediately.

College football has always been full of trash, but these guys are taking it to a whole new level.

NCAA needs to shut it down and start investigating tampering with these transfers. Otherwise, the street agent market is going to be larger and worse than ever.

then every unhappy kid in college athletics is going to pay a couple of guys $200 to yell at him during a game and video it so they can transfer. This is a complete abomination driven by a helicopter father.

i don't disagree with what this does, but it was not a fan. it was a fellow Georgia scholarship athlete. more of a fox in the henhouse scenario that makes for a more reasonable "this athletic department is not a safe work environment."

I disagree. The kid was a baseball player. I would bet that Fields had no idea who the kid was, nor that he was a baseball player. In fact, I doubt he even heard it. How many times in his 19 years has he been called that? How many times has one of his teammates called him that?

He's a whiny ***** that can't take the fact that someone got to start over him. Add what I'm sure was interference by street agents, the classless pieces of **** at that hell hole in Ohio, a helicopter father, who wants a Supreme Court case for his kid, and the NCAA has a **** storm of major proportions.

UGA totally humped the puppy on this one.
I understand, but I still assert, athlete or not, doesn't matter. It is now going to be a federal case, and the NCAA will not fight it thus allowing the federal government to enter college athletics, not to mention the scenario I presented earlier with street agents and under the table pilfering.

Not even OU or A&M would pull **** like this; well Jimbo would, but not sure the Aggies would let him.
Right, but he didn't lose a year of eligibility. Which I agree is a dumb rule, but as said before, making him the exception wasn't right either.

The coach's can move without restrictions argument is for the less intelligent.

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