Earnie had the same problem the team had, an inability to hit the shot. She took six shots, about what she always takes. The difference this game is that she didn’t hit her customary one 3pter, nor a couple of her other shots which she normally does. Nobody got to the FT line which is a lack of taking it to the basket. Carla did but ended up over penetrating and getting blocked or turning it over. Most of the team did not shoot well and poor post defense allowed Purdue to hit over 50% of their shots. Losing track of Rayburn three times didn’t help as she buried three 3pters. The team as a whole did not play well on either end. They did get better as the game went on but it was rather late. Singling out Earnie or Lindsey is fruitless as it was a team effort or lack thereof that led to the loss. No one player was responsible for this loss.
The puzzling thing to me is that they have played well away from the FEC against decent competition. Thinking back on it, it seemed like they had just gotten the team together and had no idea what a teammate was going to do on either end.
I have no doubt that the coaching staff is going to be on them about the poor play, especially in the post defensively as pretty much every Big 12 team has good to excellent post play. Tech has good post players and they will give the Horns problems if they play like they did against Purdue. AG did well although she did get in foul trouble.
I want to see how the team does the first few weeks in Big 12 play. This is the start of season two, so to speak. They came out of season one with a 12-2, although both losses were unexpected by fans, at least. The losses are a bit disturbing in how they lost, not so much that they lost. They have some solid wins in the bank (Tenn, Geo. Tech, Arizona State). They have an idea of how good they can be and how much better they can become. They also have been shown how poorly they can play if they don’t bring it, for lack of a better way to put it.