Purdue game

Point f**ing blank shots are being missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RELAX, Horns, you can pull this off!!!

4-5 on free throws. if lindsay isn't gonna make the close shots, she needs to lean in and draw a foul. we can make foul shots.
don't think we will pull this one out unless we just go crazy scoring. still not hitting our shots while putting purdue on the line.
nope, not going to happen. even kat is missing layups.horns have to learn from this not to get rattled and resort to one on one play but to play as a team. well, texas tech is next up. time to get ready for big 12 play.
This team has played differently the past few games. Tennessee would have destroyed us if we'd played like we did this game. I am amazed, I thought we were going to miss a season of playing like crap (for a period of time) but I guess not. They looked so smooth, even against good teams in the first part of the season, but now, at times, it looks like their feet are in cement and their head is in the clouds.

I have faith that Coach will figure it all out - but I'm afraid we are going to lose several games before we are done playing this badly. Sigh. It's OK, they are my team and I still love them!
Sad, Sad, Sad performance. Hear that noise in that arena??? That's what i've been talking about. Did it rattle us????? The attendance i beg for at FEC is not only for us...but against opponents.
Well, 11 points is more respectable, but we sure played badly - or I should say, Purdue took us completely out of our game. We can play MUCH better than we showed tonight, we must get our hats on straight!!!
It's like they were just preparing to beat TN. Now that they have beat them they aren't playing to their potential. What happened?
well our shooting % wasn't as bad i was expecting. 33% isn't gonna cut it though. 45% from BTA...we can't rely on throwing up 3s to get us back into the game, though.

UT 6-7 free throws and 21 fouls
Purdue 21-27 free throws and 11 fouls

i'm sorry but 11 fouls in a game. give me a break!
I wish we had tried to SLOW the intensity just a bit. Sometimes pressure defense works, sometimes it doesn't. If you take away what they're beating you at then you have a chance. I really felt like that intensity D wasn't working for us tonight. Am i wrong, or just upset??????????
If G gets on 'em like she should, I would not want to be a TTU player, or coach for that matter on Saturday.
BTW...that game isn't going to be televised for the first time in....how long?????

I know that Williams is an inspirational player and everyone says she sets the tone in practice with her work ethic, but she needs to step up and start scoring some points. We cannot afford to have our power forward be a non-factor on the offensive end. She has way too much talent not to have more of an impact on the game.
Yes I agree it's time for EW to step up but for that matter I need everyone to step up. I'm a little frustrated today. I keep asking myself where is that team that played TN? I hope we're not going back to last year - the Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde team. CONSISTENCY is the key this year.

I think A. Lindsey should be benched. It's time for a wake up call. Her performance yesterday was unacceptable. Ok so your shots are not falling but you should get every rebound and block every shot not give up.

OK, I'm a little salty this morning. I just know they can play better ball.
Earnie had the same problem the team had, an inability to hit the shot. She took six shots, about what she always takes. The difference this game is that she didn’t hit her customary one 3pter, nor a couple of her other shots which she normally does. Nobody got to the FT line which is a lack of taking it to the basket. Carla did but ended up over penetrating and getting blocked or turning it over. Most of the team did not shoot well and poor post defense allowed Purdue to hit over 50% of their shots. Losing track of Rayburn three times didn’t help as she buried three 3pters. The team as a whole did not play well on either end. They did get better as the game went on but it was rather late. Singling out Earnie or Lindsey is fruitless as it was a team effort or lack thereof that led to the loss. No one player was responsible for this loss.

The puzzling thing to me is that they have played well away from the FEC against decent competition. Thinking back on it, it seemed like they had just gotten the team together and had no idea what a teammate was going to do on either end.

I have no doubt that the coaching staff is going to be on them about the poor play, especially in the post defensively as pretty much every Big 12 team has good to excellent post play. Tech has good post players and they will give the Horns problems if they play like they did against Purdue. AG did well although she did get in foul trouble.

I want to see how the team does the first few weeks in Big 12 play. This is the start of season two, so to speak. They came out of season one with a 12-2, although both losses were unexpected by fans, at least. The losses are a bit disturbing in how they lost, not so much that they lost. They have some solid wins in the bank (Tenn, Geo. Tech, Arizona State). They have an idea of how good they can be and how much better they can become. They also have been shown how poorly they can play if they don’t bring it, for lack of a better way to put it.
I have to concur on the comments about Lindsey's uninspiring performance...there just seemed to be no sense of intensity on her part. Granted, maybe it seemed different from a courtside view as opposed to the ESPN broadcast on a little 25" screen, but it seemed like a flashback to years past...

The team as a whole never seemed to play with a sense of urgency. Not urgency in the sense of 'we need to be up tempo' but urgency in the sense of 'we need to get our crap together.'

The sloppy play is inexcusable...when the turnovers in a half come close to matching the point total, SOMETHING is very wrong.

And the lack of driving to the basket was underscored by the points in the paint tally, which at one point was 22-ZERO. That, even more than the paucity of free throws, is a very telling stat.

With the drop from 4th to 8th with the loss to San Diego, my guess is we go further to 13-16 in the rankings after looking horrible on national television to an 8-5 (now 9-5) Purdue team that was missing a key player. I would expect some deference to the win against Tennessee as the only reason we don't drop further.

We just have to hope they don't get run so hard that they have no legs in Lubbock...
I was just thinking, practices after games like this are the reason Coach G does not have open practices.
I feel for those kids.

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