Protecting our 2nd Amendment Rights


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Liberal mayors all over are using this pandemic to try and ban our rights to carry guns. They don't have the constitutional right to do this and yet they are using this pandemic to fake pass this legislation. Jackson Mississippi is the latest.

If we don't protect our rights we will lose them. These Nazi wackos will stop at nothing to take our freedom away.
Question: Can we have wins like "Florida man..." without this?


or this?
No we can't, we don't budge on our right to bare arms, there is no end when we do. Let me help you out, there is no such thing as an assault rifle, there are single shot rifles and there are semi automatic rifles. That is it. We protect our right to defend ourselves against all enemies, it's our God given right to do so as we see fit.

No other freedom comes before our right to defend ourselves, the sooner Americans understand this, the sooner we can defend all the other liberties we are losing.
No we can't, we don't budge on our right to bare arms, there is no end when we do. Let me help you out, there is no such thing as an assault rifle, there are single shot rifles and there are semi automatic rifles. That is it. We protect our right to defend ourselves against all enemies, it's our God given right to do so as we see fit.

No other freedom comes before our right to defend ourselves, the sooner Americans understand this, the sooner we can defend all the other liberties we are losing.
Whatever, I didn't mention the term "assault rifle". That's you. It's ludicrous that these people walk around like that. There's a place for any number of different kind of weapons. I'd respect the NRA stance on things a little more if they embraced things like universal background checks that an overwhelming majority of the US supports.
The more the government pushes the more citizens will have to push back.

One of the ways to do that without violence is to open carry, to show that it is a constitutional, actually God-given right that can't be infringed on by the government.
Do you have any stats showing law abiding people selling guns to another law abiding person ended in killings?
The thugs who deal and sell guns to other thugs are not going to follow any law.
Do you have any stats showing law abiding people selling guns to another law abiding person ended in killings?
The thugs who deal and sell guns to other thugs are not going to follow any law.
But if you make it a crime you can stack some crimes together and really rack up some prison time. Come on, you guys love that ****!
But if you make it a crime you can stack some crimes together and really rack up some prison time. Come on, you guys love that ****!

The right to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed upon.

That is two separate thoughts.
1. We have a right to own guns
2. We have a right to carry the gun.

Every time I buy a gun I have to submit to a background check with the FBI. It's that way with every law abiding citizen.

Do you really think gang bangers, and other criminals are going to legally buy a gun? If you take every gun away from every law abiding citizen only the criminals will have guns, will that make you feel safe? close every gun store, cancel every gun show, take every gun off the street. You think Criminals won't have guns? You think our porous borders are going to stop guns from coming in? It sure as hell hasn't stoped drugs.

Most important than any of this, what happens when our greatest enemy is our own government. We have a one million man military, but we have 330 million citizens with 400 million guns. Our government above all else has to fear the American people we have them more than out gunned. They can trample us like an elephant but with our guns we can attack them like a swarm of fire ants.

We should never give an inch when it comes to our guns.
The right to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed upon.

That is two separate thoughts.
1. We have a right to own guns
2. We have a right to carry the gun.

Every time I buy a gun I have to submit to a background check with the FBI. It's that way with every law abiding citizen.

Do you really think gang bangers, and other criminals are going to legally buy a gun? If you take every gun away from every law abiding citizen only the criminals will have guns, will that make you feel safe? close every gun store, cancel every gun show, take every gun off the street. You think Criminals won't have guns? You think our porous borders are going to stop guns from coming in? It sure as hell hasn't stoped drugs.

Most important than any of this, what happens when our greatest enemy is our own government. We have a one million man military, but we have 330 million citizens with 400 million guns. Our government above all else has to fear the American people we have them more than out gunned. They can trample us like an elephant but with our guns we can attack them like a swarm of fire ants.

We should never give an inch when it comes to our guns.
A well regulated glossed over that part.

I don't want to take away any guns. I want you to have to pay $3 to run a background check on me if you're selling me a gun.

Our government has armed drones, smart bombs and a host of stuff that you and I can't get. That ship has sailed.
A well regulated glossed over that part.

I don't want to take away any guns. I want you to have to pay $3 to run a background check on me if you're selling me a gun.

Our government has armed drones, smart bombs and a host of stuff that you and I can't get. That ship has sailed.

You mean like Ruby Ridge, he was a member of a Militia and look what happened to him. Here is a little video for you.

A well regulated glossed over that part.

I don't want to take away any guns. I want you to have to pay $3 to run a background check on me if you're selling me a gun.

Our government has armed drones, smart bombs and a host of stuff that you and I can't get. That ship has sailed.
No doubt the government would have those assets to overwhelm an individual. How did the government handle the LA riots or St Louis? Let’s hope it doesn’t go there, but I think having a well armed citizenry helps prevent it.
The Massachusetts Minutemen were a well regulated militia.

Every adult male had to buy his own rifle and ammunition, and had to maintain skill with practice. Then when the local leader rounded them up they came running out of their houses with their guns in hand, ready to push back the Redcoats.
The Massachusetts Minutemen were a well regulated militia.

Every adult male had to buy his own rifle and ammunition, and had to maintain skill with practice. Then when the local leader rounded them up they came running out of their houses with their guns in hand, ready to push back the Redcoats.
That was a well regulated militia.
The more the government pushes the more citizens will have to push back.

One of the ways to do that without violence is to open carry, to show that it is a constitutional, actually God-given right that can't be infringed on by the government.

Open carrying assault rifles (or whatever people want to call them) into state capitols doesn't show anything, except that the person carrying it is an idiot. It doesn't intimidate or scare legislators into submission. All it does is alienate people who might otherwise be sympathetic and give political fodder and ammunition to the Left. It's flagrant stupidity.
Open carrying assault rifles (or whatever people want to call them) into state capitols doesn't show anything, except that the person carrying it is an idiot. It doesn't intimidate or scare legislators into submission. All it does is alienate people who might otherwise be sympathetic and give political fodder and ammunition to the Left. It's flagrant stupidity.

Agree, the second amendment doesn’t give us the right to be stupid, it protects our right to defend ourselves.
What exactly is the correlation between a government that attacked innocent people who just lived as separatist vs a couple of retards attacking an innocent jogger?

Or are you referring to something else?

I feel for you commies, the shooters of Arbery didn't use AK-47 or AR-15, it sort of takes away some of your thunder. And of course the shooters of the security guard at the Dollar Tree were black, so that makes it okay.

First off people say that Trump isn't a stately person to represent us, but when feeble Joe tells a voter he is full of ****, I ask, is this a stately person?

Trump trolls the **** out of the Leftest, and he lies, but evidently so does Feeble Joe. And it's not the first time he has been caught in a lie.
who is this God person who is passing out these rights you speak of? He doesn't get around much, does He? Almost no appearances in most areas of the world.
I hope someday you find him, you will be happier if you do. Of course, to find him, you have to look, do you have the courage to look?

Since you obviously don't believe in God, the right to keep and bare arms is guaranteed by our constitution, you can find that in Washington DC.