Prosecuting Rittenhouse Is Completely Unjust

It matters NOT one iota what the law in other States might be...the ONLY law that matters is what is in the Wisconsin Code AND what Kyle was charged with. And so far, the State did a pretty good job of proving up self-defense...
they could have not done a better job....
"lefty" looks like a poster boy for METH HEADS....there is a look about them....
And ironically enough, Lefty gave enough damning testimony that he may find himself being charged...
legal experts I listened to (about a dozen of them) say that the prosecutor will not come after him because of his testimony yesterday....
There were other vigilantes like Rittenhouse in Kenosha. Ask yourself why none of the others ended up in a confrontation directly with the protesters. Therein lies your answer to why Rittenhouse was reckless. He jumped into a situation, left the vigilante crowd with his loaded illegally obtained AR15 and moved into direct conflict with the protesters. Is there culpability for the first protester that attempted to take his weapon away? I'll say sure. Rittenhouse shouldn't have been in that situation with his gun but I'd apportion a part of the culpability to the first victim. After that, he's all on his own. He'd killed a protester then was shocked when the crowd advanced to take the gun away? Some here have a one-sided view of vigilantism skewed only by their political motivations.

You continue to accuse him of things no one else is accusing him of. At least not prosecutors in the case. Maybe CNN talking heads are, but they are proven liars.

I don't know why he became more involved than other. But you don't either.

How in the world is a person whose life is in danger able to understand that the mob coming for him is merely trying to take away his weapon and not to kill him? That grants some of your assertions, but your assertions aren't reasonable anyway. You really think "the crowd advanced to take the gun away?" Watching the video a crowd never did advance to him. Several people ran up to attack him and he shot them and walked away.

Again...he volunteered for what? He followed some yahoo Facebook organizer who also wasn't a business owner in Kenosha. The Facebook group had more political leanings than a desire to protect Kenosha. Expect that to come out in the trial.

I don't think anyone needs approval to go out into the public. I'm sure Rittenhouse had a specific political identity. But that doesn't make him wrong or his motivations bad. You judge him by some Facebook group. However, Rittenhouse was recorded on video stating his purpose. He should be judged based on his words not some group's. He isn't a part of a collective. He is an individual human being and should be treated that way.

"The God of the Bible" has no standing in a Wisconsin court room. Based on my Lutheran teachings God wouldn't support Rittenhouse showing up in Kenosha with an AR15 so you bastardizing the teachings for your personal viewpoints is a bit arrogant, don't you think? Somewhat the antithesis of what the bible teaches.

God is sovereign over all situations whether or not people want to recognize him. I don't think God has any problem with a person trying to protect property and life during a chaotic situation. He risked his life which you may not agree with, but he gets to decide what risks he is willing to expose himself to.

I am not bastardizing anything. Just as Luther taught I have a right to follow my own conscience before God and study His Word on my own as his son. The Bible doesn't teach pacifism and it doesn't state that only members of a modern state are approved to protect private property. There are countless examples in the Bible of individual people protecting themselves and others by force in a just manner.

The Police department in Kenosha failed miserably in their part with the embracing of the vigilantes. They contributed to the culture of reckless endangerment and will very likely end up paying out million$ as a result. Their acquiescence in no way justifies Rittenhouse' actions that evening.

I doubt any of this is true in any sense whatsoever.
The sad thing out of all of this is that, despite the likely incoming acquittal, the POSPOTUS inJustice Department will more than likely bring some trumped up 'civil rights' allegation in the hopes that another bite at the apple produces a conviction.
Said another way, rather than understand the opponents position you are OK with leaping based on assumptions based on whatever caricature you have in your head.
which is just what you've done....I've watched ALL videos, ALL moments of the trial, and HOURS of attorneys' analysis and they have all lead me to the complete opposite concepts you have come up with....
which is just what you've done....I've watched ALL videos, ALL moments of the trial, and HOURS of attorneys' analysis and they have all lead me to the complete opposite concepts you have come up with....

Good for you. So thankful that our personal biases can't lead 2 people to watch the exact same video and result at different conclusions. Oh wait.

As an aside, I haven't commented on anything @Horn2RunAgain said other than his attempt to put words in MY mouth. If your translation of that is that I was putting words in his mouth I'd simply send you thoughts and prayers for your reading comprehension skills.
Good for you. So thankful that our personal biases can't lead 2 people to watch the exact same video and result at different conclusions. Oh wait.

As an aside, I haven't commented on anything @Horn2RunAgain said other than his attempt to put words in MY mouth. If your translation of that is that I was putting words in his mouth I'd simply send you thoughts and prayers for your reading comprehension skills.
dismissive of and DURKAN are perfect for each other....
Good for you. So thankful that our personal biases can't lead 2 people to watch the exact same video and result at different conclusions. Oh wait.

As an aside, I haven't commented on anything @Horn2RunAgain said other than his attempt to put words in MY mouth. If your translation of that is that I was putting words in his mouth I'd simply send you thoughts and prayers for your reading comprehension skills.
how do you watch a guy being chased, run down and pushed to the ground this beat with a skateboard and find the guy being chased down as the predator???

when the mob of thugs took over Capital Hill which eventually led to three deaths and MILLIONS of dollars in property damage and one of my clients 13 yr old awakened at 4am with a 6'5" black guy trying to get in her third floor condo sliding door at a condo on the East side of Cal Anderson park....did you help Mayor Durkan come up with the term, "SUMMER of LOVE", too???
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how do you watch a guy being chased, run down and pushed to the ground this beat with a skateboard and find the guy being chased down as the predator???

First, know that Rittenhouse put himself in direct conflict with the protesters. Second, he had just killed someone. We're not talking like he tripped and the gun accidentally went off but after proudly walking around with his illegal received AR15 a protester died. He then fled which typically denotes guilt. When's the last time you've seen someone shoot someone in self defense then run away? I'm certain Rittenhouse fleed because he was scared but to other bystanders wouldn't that look like fleeing the scene of a crime? Heck, he didn't even show any concern for the health of those he just mortally wounded.

In any other scenario the kid with a skateboard is a "hero" for trying to stop the perpetrator of the shooting. Only this time political bias makes people stupid and because he shot the people they hate then it must be "justified".

The elephant in the room here is that Rittenhouse was too immature to be holding an AR15 and/or be in that situation. There is a reason that even by WI law he couldn't legally own that gun, let alone be playing "cop" or fake EMT in the middle of a riot. Yes, he is on video claiming that he's a certified EMT that night when actually he's in some fire department cadet program which all further demonstrates how Rittenhouse immaturity.

This kid was reckless for being there at age 17 with his illegally received AR15, reckless for running from the scene of a shooting that he committed then he compounded his problem by continuing to fire away and ultimately leaving he scene of the crime.

I'd also ask where his parents were in all this? You don't know that your son illegally purchased an AR15, traveled across state lines and was stomping around Kenosha as a vigilante? Sadly, we do know what his parents are like. After getting bailed out he proceeded immediately to go to a bar and be celebrated by a group with links to White Supremacists. His mother was in tow.
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Is the judge afraid of the mob and having them outside of his/her home? Why is the trial still going after that witness said that? WTH is going on here?
how do you watch a guy being chased, run down and pushed to the ground this beat with a skateboard and find the guy being chased down as the predator???

when the mob of thugs took over Capital Hill which eventually led to three deaths and MILLIONS of dollars in property damage and one of my clients 13 yr old awakened at 4am with a 6'5" black guy trying to get in her third floor condo sliding door at a condo on the East side of Cal Anderson park....did you help Mayor Durkan come up with the term, "SUMMER of LOVE", too???

Notice how the Summer of Love and the deaths/destruction of the summer riots he barely acknowledges but now SH wants strict law & order when it comes to Rittenhouse? ******* liberal idiocy.
Notice how the Summer of Love and the deaths/destruction of the summer riots he barely acknowledges but now SH wants strict law & order when it comes to Rittenhouse? ******* liberal idiocy.

Quote me or I'll simply call you a LIAR. I don't use that term lightly but it's become too pervasive on the West Mall. It's become second nature for some.
Quote me or I'll simply call you a LIAR. I don't use that term lightly but it's become too pervasive on the West Mall. It's become second nature for some.

Reading comprehension isn't your friend, is it? Show me where you have shown 1/10th the concern over what happened during last summer to what you've shown over this Rittenhouse case. You can't. We had the current VP bailing out rioters and I never saw any concern from you at all. However, you decide to go on a jihad on some 17 year old kid who was actually trying to stop the nonsense that was occurring. All you do is parrot whatever the media tells you to think.
Notice how the Summer of Love and the deaths/destruction of the summer riots he barely acknowledges but now SH wants strict law & order when it comes to Rittenhouse? ******* liberal idiocy.
Because he's a white kid, duh.

All the rioters are justified, um, even the white ones, to show the systemic oppression they have long endured by the white man.
Reading comprehension isn't your friend, is it? Show me where you have shown 1/10th the concern over what happened during last summer to what you've shown over this Rittenhouse case. You can't. We had the current VP bailing out rioters and I never saw any concern from you at all. However, you decide to go on a jihad on some 17 year old kid who was actually trying to stop the nonsense that was occurring. All you do is parrot whatever the media tells you to think.

I stepped out of the Seattle thread because some jerks (edited) questioned the integrity of my son's first hand account because it didn't follow whatever propaganda right wing media was spewing. Unlike Ted Cruz, I won't simply look the other way when my family is insulted. I supplied a lot of evidence complete with videos to support my position there. It didn't match the propagandist Andy Ngo but that didn't matter, the narrative was more important than the reality at that point. Like much of West Mall most are driven by confirmation bias rather than a desire to understand and inform themselves on any issue, you most of all.

I'll just point out that you NEVER quote me when claiming what I've said or done. I can only surmise you lack the intellectual capacity to use search or simply don't want to confirm that you spend 95% of the time on the West Mall debating a caricature instead of an actual West Mall user.
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I stepped out of the Seattle thread because some fuckheads questioned the integrity of my son's first hand account because it didn't follow whatever propaganda right wing media was spewing. Unlike Ted Cruz, I won't simply look the other way when my family is insulted. I supplied a lot of evidence complete with videos to support my position there. It didn't match the propagandist Andy Ngo but that didn't matter, the narrative was more important than the reality at that point. Like much of West Mall most are driven by confirmation bias rather than a desire to understand and inform themselves on any issue, you most of all.

Thank you for backing up what I'm saying. The **** that was happening in Seattle and over the US was bad and you were doing your damnedest to downplay it with MSM disinformation instead of condemning it. Sorry your kid was attacked but he was wrong.

But yes, let's go after the kid who was trying to protect a neighborhood and shot some thugs who were trying to kill him. That's exactly who we should be after.
Thank you for backing up what I'm saying. The **** that was happening in Seattle and over the US was bad and you were doing your damnedest to downplay it with MSM disinformation instead of condemning it.

But yes, let's go after the kid who was trying to protect a neighborhood and shot some thugs who were trying to kill him. That's exactly who we should be after.
I guess you must be a "fuckhead". Is that the right word?
I guess you must be a "fuckhead". Is that the right word?

Just to be clear, if you insulted my son on that thread then you are a jerk (edited). I have no desire to jump into the thread to detail the actual posters that did so.

If I insult your family (which I never would), then I'd be a jerk (edited).
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I'll just point out that you NEVER quote me when claiming what I've said or done. I can only surmise you lack the intellectual capacity to use search or simply don't want to confirm that you spend 95% of the time on the West Mall debating a caricature instead of an actual West Mall user.

Are your reading comprehension skills that bad? I must question your intellectual capacity because you just admitted that you left the thread because people were going after your son. If you didn't say anything to condemn the rioters because you left the thread how do I prove anything? Jesus Christ.
Are your reading comprehension skills that bad? I must question your intellectual capacity because you just admitted that you left the thread because people were going after your son. if you didn't say anything to condemn the rioters because you left the thread how do I prove anything? Jesus Christ.

What did I say before I left? Nothing critical of the protesters? Nothing critical of looting? Is you search for it you'd learn that the caricature you are presenting doesn't match my claims in that thread. Then again, that's par for the course for you. Speaking from the bunghole rarely ends up in accuracy.

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